Meet the Teacher presentation - 8th grade

About Mr. Tonkli
Taught social studies for the past four years after teaching 12 years at
Headlands Elementary
[5th grade – Social Studies & Language Arts]
HQT with Masters Degree in Curriculum & Instruction
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration
Before teaching was a Human Resources manager [and much, much more!]
Married with a 7-year old son [at Brentmoor]
Like to make learning fun and relevant to the students in a variety of ways,
tying in personal experiences [mine and theirs]
Like to stress good character, open-mindedness, and organization
Mr. Tonkli’s 8th Grade American Studies Class Syllabus
GRADING [district curve]
90-100: A
80-89: B
70-79: C
60-69: D
0-59: F
Tests and Projects 65% [of quarter grade]
25% [of quarter grade]
Homework/Class 10% [of quarter grade]
- Assignments will only be accepted for full credit on their due date unless
you have an excused absence. Assignments will then be due the number of
days you have missed after the due date. ALL assignments are due at the
BEGINNING of the period, or else they will be considered late and subject to a
10% a day penalty. All late work will be accepted for up to half credit until
that unit is completed.
- If you do not come to class with all materials, you will be listed as tardy.
Parents, feel free to contact me between the hours of 8:15am and 4:00pm at
974-5400 or
Access to On-Line Text Book
Username: “cards------13”
Password: “cards------13”
Unit format
Pre-test [not for grade]
Unit calendar with recommended reading and objectives
Independent note taking on reading
Highlight notes in class + classwork/activities/projects
Quiz 1 – common formative assessment on 1st half of unit
Data analysis:
– 80% and higher get enrichment
– 79% and lower get retaught; then re-quiz
Independent note taking
Highlight notes in class + classwork/activities/projects
Quiz 2 – common formative assessment on 2nd half of unit
Data analysis [see above]
Unit Test – summative assessment over whole unit
Mr. Tonkli’s Web site
• Go to “Staff Web Pages”
• Find Mr. Tonkli and click!
--------------------------------------------------------------------[Schoology later in the year]
[Students are encourage to bring devices to class]
Google Drive accounts!
• Let’s go paperless! The ability to turn in
assignments electronically!
• All students have their own account
2. Click on “Drive”
3. User name =
Password = [initials].[6 digit b-day]
4. Click on “Create” button
5. Open “Docs” and use like Word document
6. “Share”, name it, save, email to Mr. T.
American Studies Units [in order]
• Introduction to American Government
• Colonization to Independence
• Causes of the American Revolutionary War
• 1776-1783
• The Critical Period
• Launching a Nation
• Westward Expansion
• Reform Movements
• Causes of and Lead-up to Civil War
• American Civil War
• Reconstruction
• Personal Finance & Economics
*** “Roots” [throughout the year]
Thank you for
coming in!