

Religion and Politics

Validation of Rule

• Historically, most rulers have governed with some type of religious authority

• Religion has sanctioned the rule of kings and emperors

Social Stabilization

• Religion in history has also functioned as a support of social cohesiveness and order


“Dharma upholds both this-worldly and otherworldly affairs” - Krishna


“ He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it.” -



“When the ruler of a country is just and good, the ministers become just and good; when the ministers are just and good, the higher officials become just and good; when the higher officials are just and good, the rank and file become just and good; when the rank and file become just and good, the people become just and good.” - The Buddha


Israel, the Covenant and the Diaspora


“Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is

God's” - Jesus


The Politics of the Papacy


Muhammad, the Caliphate, and

Sharia Law

The Expansion of Islam 630 – 750 A.D.


Dissent, Individual Salvation and the “Protestant

Work Ethic”

Secular Humanism

• Born in 18 th century Europe – the Age of


• Affirms that people can lead a “good” life without the influence of religion

• Emphasis of reason over the supernatural

Other key terms

Theocracy – government by religious figures, laws based on religious teachings

Fundamentalism – the belief that the holy texts are literally true, and can form a reliable basis for thought and action in this world

Separation of Church and State

• The idea that organized religion and the government should be kept separate

Does this mean the end of morality? What can morality,

“goodness” and government be based on if religious influence is taken out?

Contemporary Issues

• Nativity scenes on city property – the “War on


• Sex Education in schools

• The Ten Commandments’ place in courts

• Abortion Rights and Birth Control Funding

• Gay Marriage Rights

• The banning of the Hijab
