Canyon Springs School Ms. Abrams 7th Grade Social Studies Syllabus Room: 302 Phone: (623) 376-5236 Email: {the best way to get a hold of me} About Me and My Teaching Philosophy: First and foremost, welcome! I am Britnee Abrams your Social Studies teacher. I am excited to help guide you through this journey into our U.S. history. With my help, I hope to instill a passion for what made this country we live in great! About Me: Bachelors in education with an emphasis in history from Arizona State University, Go Devils! Born and raised in Arizona, love everything about it, including the heat! I enjoy sports (Go Gators!), my dog, being with family and friends, cooking, and arts and crafts. I am the girls’ volleyball head coach and the assistant softball coach. My Philosophy on Education: I believe that my students should appreciate the importance of change over time and the importance of the context of history. They will have the opportunities to understand primary and secondary historical sources. Be able to participate in group and individual projects, as well as speak from and defend alternate viewpoints and come up with compelling conclusions. My students should leave my class with an understanding of not only the content, but why it is essential to learn about history. I will use the knowledge of our past to challenge my students to understand all sides of history and respect how it has led to where we are today. Course Overview Units of Study: Civil War Reconstruction Immigration Industrialization Progressivism American Imperialism WWI Great Depression This course is divided into periods of time and emphasizes themes throughout American history. These themes include the economic evolution, social problems/identities, and American political polices. This will be a rigorous course, but it will be enjoyable! Hard work and attendance will be essential to success. Arizona College and Career Readiness (Common Core) The standards are informed by the highest, most effective models from states across the country and countries around the world, and provide teacher and parents with a common understanding of what students are expected to learn. Consistent standards will provide appropriate benchmarks for all students, regardless of where they live. These standards define the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education careers so they will graduate high able to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs. The standards: Are aligned with college and work expectations; Are clear, understandable and consistent; Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills; Build upon strength and lessons of current state standards; Are informed by other top performing countries, so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society; and Are evidence-based. Classroom Guidelines All District Rules will be adhered to at Canyon Springs School. Please refer to the DVUSD Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. We believe that students must treat others with the same respect with which they are treated by the adults in our school. We also believe that student’s actions, dress, possessions, etc., must not cause a problem for themselves or anyone else. During the course of the year, it is expected that students abide by the rules listed in the student handbook. In addition to the rules presented in the student handbook, students will be expected to following the rules and produces expected in this class. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Come into class quietly and be prepared to learn. Follow directions the first time they are given. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Stayed seated unless directed otherwise. Respect each person better than you wished to be treated. Grades/Grading Breakdown All assignments are graded on a point system. Points are totaled to determine the grade earned for each grading period. There will be plenty of chances to make up grades by the amount of in class assignments performed on a daily basis. The following scale will be used to grade: HW/Classwork 10% Projects 20% Assessments 70% 90%-100% = A 80%-89% = B 70%-79% = C 60%-69% = D Notebook Every student is required to have a notebook in my class. 50-75% of their assignments will be in this book. If cost is an issue, students can make tabs with post-its in the smaller spiral notebooks, but I recommend a 3 subject spiral. Another information sheet will be passed out at a later date explaining more in detail the expectations of the notebooks. These notebooks are graded at random (every 2-3 weeks). I use a checklist and will be looking for certain, if not all, assignments in your notebooks. Assignments in notebook will be stamped for completion on the following day, if the student doesn’t get a stamp then they will not be able to received more than ½ credit on that assignment. (look at homework policy) In order to receive full credit on a Notebook Check the student must have the assignment complete, on time (with stamp), and fulfill the format requirements. DO NOT throw out your full notebook until the end of the year! Agenda You MUST have your agenda with you in every class, every day. This is where you will write down what we will be doing in class each day, as well as a way to communicate with parents about missing assignments, positive comments, and any behavior concerns. Make-up Work You have 1 day to make up work for each consecutive day you have missed. To make up a quiz or test, please refer to the next available make-up day. It will be your responsibility to make up all missed work. Late-Work Turn in assignments when they are due. For each day the assignment is late 10% is deducted, up to 50% credit. I will accept late work up to the end of each unit of study, after that the gradebook will be closed. Attendance In order to pass this class, it is important to be present. The assignments for the day are available for make-up for excused absences. Missing school is, although necessary at times, a disadvantage by missing directions, discussion, explanations, lectures and other learning activities. Make sure to schedule a tutoring time if you are in need of help. The Learning of Others Students will be held accountable for school policies and procedures in the classroom, including the dress cold policy. No food, gum or beverage (expect water) is allowed in the classroom. Cheating is not allowed. Plagiarism is not tolerated and disciplinary action will be taken. Students who choose to cheat or plagiarize will receive the discipline procedures outlines in the student handbook. Please sign and return the following page by ____________________________ Ms. Abrams U.S Social Studies Syllabus Parent Involvement is all about the children. Participation in your child’s education is proven to boost his or her achievement in school. We are committed to treat parents as partners while keeping line of communication open and focused on the needs of your child. Mutual trust and respect between parents and teacher is required to maintain a positive learning experience at any school. We believe that your trust in Canyon Springs is required to ensure your child’s success. I have read the syllabus and understand the above classroom guidelines and procedures. Student Name:________________________________Date: ___________ Class Period:____________ Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________________