Population Growth & Economic Development Presentation

Population Growth and
Economic Development
Aravinda Meera Guntupalli
Facts on world population
Total world population: 6.1 billion
About 75% of people live in developing
About 60% of the population lives in Asia and
About 40% of people live in only 15 countries
By 2200, over 90% of population will live in
what today are developing countries
Demographic measures
 Population growth in the world
 Theories of population
 Policies
Demographic measures
 Death rate
 Rate of natural increase
 Infant mortality rate
 Life expectancy at birth
 Doubling time
 Dependency ratio
Terms used
 Mortality
 Migration
 Age structure
 Hidden momentum of population growth
Population and economic growth
Reduction in birthrates can raise percapita income in 2 ways
 lower dependency ratio
 low consumption and high savings
 Shift of labor force investment from
capital widening to capital deepening
Different issues related to
Some important quality of life indicators
related to population growth
– Improvement of levels of living
– Increase in the labor forces
– Higher population growth rates and poverty
– Quality of health care and education
– Relationship between poverty and family
Population Growth, 1750-2200: World,
Less Developed Regions, and More
Developed Regions
Population Pyramids: Less Developed
and More Developed Countries; 1998
The Demographic Transition
Stage I: high birthrates and death rates
 Stage II: continued high birthrates,
declining death rates
 Stage III: falling birthrates and death
rates, eventually stabilizing
Dependency problems
Old age structures and young age
structures both create problems with
supporting dependents; they are just
different problems.
 Young age structure requires expanding
labor markets, investments in education
 Investments in older people less likely
to enhance productivity
The present demographic
transition in developing
Stage II already occurred in most of the
developing world,but with higher
birthrates than in the developed world.
 Stage III:
– has been similar to developed countries
for some developing countries like Taiwan,
South Korea, China,Chile, Costa Rica
– has not occurred yet for other countries
mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa and the
middle east.
Rapid and Slow Transition
Rapid transition
 Japan
 South Korea
 Taiwan
 Singapore
 Thailand
 Indonesia
Slow Transition
Papua New Guinea
Miracles of rapid transition in
East Asia
Rapid demographic change creates windows
of opportunity for accelerated economic
Rapid growth of labor force
Saving and investment
Changing roles of women
Human resource investment
Stage of Demographic Transition
and population requirement
Population growth may be good at the
 In the middle factors like political
stability, cultural resources, and
economic efficiency may be much more
important than population growth
 Reaching high income may require
slowing growth
Fertility and income
Malthusian population model
Population tends to grow at a geometric rate,
doubling every 30 to 40 years
 Food supplies only expand at an arithmetic
rate due to diminishing returns to land (fixed
 Malthusian population trap: countries would
be trapped in low per-capita incomes (per
capita food), and population would stabilize at
a subsistence level.
– Preventive and positive checks
– Technological progress is not considered
Household theory of fertility
Family size is a decision taken at the
microeconomic level by households based on
a rational economic decision on “demand for
 Income effect: Higher income allows for
larger family size
 Substitution effect: Higher cost of children
implies smaller family size
 Other theories
Why are there so many
children in poor countries?
Because children are an “investment”
rather than a “consumption good” the
“expected return of theinvestment” is
given by child labor and financial
support for parents in old age
 Parents have children up to the point at
which their marginal economic benefit is
equal to marginal cost
Hidden momentum of
population growth
It is the tendency of population growth
to continue, even after birthrates have
decline substantially.
– Substantial changes in birthrates may take
– when the young population is large, in the
near future high-fertility population will be
high,even if fertility levels are lower.
Policy approach to deal with the high
population growth
Decrease “marginal economic benefit of
 Increase the minimum-age child labor
 provide better old-age social security
 Increase “marginal cost of children”
 Increase education, employment and
wages for women
Policy approach
Better water and public health programs in
rural and urban poor areas to lower infant
Implementation of family-planning programs
Improvement of quality of care of health and
family planning programs
Monetary subsidies to small families
Political commitment and role of religious