Chapter 2: Population Vocabulary Directions: Must define all the

Chapter 2: Population Vocabulary
Must define all the vocabulary words for Chapter 2.
Must be on index cards.
You must number each vocabulary word with the corresponding number on this list.
Some of these words are in your book others will be found online at
1. Demographic
Transition Model
2. Epidemiological
3. Gravity Model
4. Agriculture revolution
5. Census
6. CBR
7. CDR
8. Demography
9. Dependency ratio
10. Doubling time
11. Ecumene
12. Epidemiology
13. Industrial revolution
14. Infant mortality rate
15. Life expectancy
16. Medical revolution
17. Natural increase rate
18. Overpopulation
19. Pandemic
20. Population pyramid
21. Sex ratio
22. Total fertility rate
23. Zero population
24. Age distribution
25. Carrying capacity
26. Cohort
27. Demographic equation
28. Demographic
29. Demographic regions
30. Diffusion of fertility
31. Disease diffusion
32. Gendered space
33. J-curve
34. Maladaptation
35. Thomas Malthus
36. Mortality
37. Natality
38. Neo-Malthusian
39. Population density
40. Population distribution
41. Population explosion
42. Population projection
43. S-Curve
44. Standard of living
45. Sustainability
46. Underpopulation