Virus & Bacteria Review Answers

Virus & Bacteria Review
1. Why is it said that viruses are nonliving? (Give at least 3 reasons)
They have no cell parts
They can only reproduce in a host cell
They do not carry out any of the life processes, except reproduction, even when they are in a host cell
2. Draw & label the virus lytic cycle.
3. Label the virus shown below.
All external structures
are made of protein.
The core inside is
made of RNA or DNA
(genetic material)
Genetic Material
Tail fibers
4. Compare the lytic cycle with the lysogenic cycle.
Lytic- new viruses start be made immediately; this results in an early death for the cell when it bursts
(lyses) releasing lots of virus
5. Compare an RNA virus to a DNA virus.
6. What does our body use to defend us against viruses?
7. What is a vaccine and how does it work?
8. Describe the following viruses. Tell whether they are RNA or DNA viruses, Lysogenic or lytic, and what
part of the body they attack.
Lytic/ Lysogenic/ Both
Body part or system
Chicken pox
Small pox
Common Cold
9. Label the parts of the bacterium shown below.
10. Describe bacteria:
a. What size are they? Can they be seen with a microscope?
b. Do they have membrane bound organelles like eukaryotes do?
c. Do they have ribosomes?
d. Describe a bacterial chromosome.
e. What is a plasmid?
f. How do bacteria get around?
g. What pH do they like best?
h. What is their function?
i. How are they harmful to us?
j. How are they helpful to us?
11. Compare archaebacteria to eubacteria.
12. How do bacteria make or get food?
13. Define the following
a. aerobe
b. anaerobe
c. facultative anaerobe
14. Compare gram negative bacteria to gram positive bacteria
Gram Negative
Gram Positive
15. Give two examples of gram positive bacteria
16. Give two examples of gram negative bacteria
17. What are rickettsia and what diseases do they cause?
18. Describe conjugation. How dies it help bacteria?
19. Describe transduction.
20. Describe transformation.
21. Draw & label binary fission. What is it used for?
22. What is an endospore and why is it hard to kill?
23. Define the following terms:
a. diplob. streptoc. staphylod. coccus
e. bacillus
f. spirillum
24. Give one example of a bacterial disease caused by the following bacterial types:
a. streptococcus
b. diphylococcus
c. staphylococcus
d. streptobacillus
25. What are pili and what are they used for?
26. Describe the Endosymbiotic theory.