Bacteria Virus Coloring WS

Bacteria Coloring Worksheet
Name ______________________________
Color and Label the bacteria cell and then answer the questions.
1. What are prokaryotic cells?______________________________________________
2. What are the two kingdoms for prokaryotes?_________________________________
3. Where would you find Eubacteria? ________________________________________
4. Where would you find Archaebacteria?_____________________________________
5. Which one is thought to be the oldest? _____________________________________
6. Give 3 examples of how bacteria help us.
7. What are 2 types of bacteria that make us ill. _________________ _______________
8. What are 2 ways that bacteria can cause disease?
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
9. What helps the bacteria stick to surfaces?__________________________________
10. What is the watery interior called?________________________________________
11. Where is the DNA located?_____________________________________________
12. What is the function of the DNA? ________________________________________
Virus Coloring Worksheet
Label, color, and answer the questions using pg 479-481 in the Biology Book.
1. What is a virus? ______________________________________________________
2. How does a virus reproduce? _____________________________________________
3. What do ALL viruses have in common? ______________________________________
4. What is a capsid? What is the function of the capsid? _____________________________
5. Why are viruses considered NON-living?___________________________________
6. Describe the stages of the Lytic cycle:
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________
5. _____________________
7. Describe what happens during Lysogenic Infection and
how it differs from the Lytic cycle.