Name: Date: ______ Life Science Chapter 11 Homework Questions S

Name: _________________________________________________________
Date: _____________
Life Science Chapter 11 Homework Questions
Section Review 11A
1. How are bacteria different from the other kingdoms? _______________________________
2. Describe the structure of a virus. ________________________________________________
3. Why are viruses not classified into a kingdom? _____________________________________
4. List the three shapes bacteria may have. __________________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________________
5. List three human foods that are produced with the help of bacteria: ____________________
Section Review 11B
1. How do protozoa and algae differ? ________________________________________________
2. List three structures that a protist may have to help it move? __________________________
Section Review 11C
1. What are the spore-bearing structures of a fungus called? _____________________________
2. Which of the two organisms in the symbiotic relationship known as a lichen benefit from the
relationship? _________________________________________________________________
3. Name a fungal product that you use. ______________________________________________
Chapter 11 Review
1. How rapidly or slowly do bacteria reproduce? ____________________________________
2. How does a virus cause an illness? _____________________________________________
3. What kind of food do detritus feeders eat? ______________________________________
Chapter 11 What Did You Learn?
1. Do you think fungi can obtain energy directly from sunlight (photosynthesis)? Why or why not?
2. What are two examples from this chapter that show God is still directly involved in governing and
maintaining His Creation? ____________________________________________________________