The Helium atom 1. General facts • consists of a nucleus with atomic number Z=2 and two electrons 1. General facts • the state of the electrons is given by the wavefunction • the potential energy: • operator of the kinetic energy: (center of mass system, μ me) 1. General facts • Schrödinger equation (1.4) : • because of the last term from the potential energy (1.2), the potential isn´t any more spherically symmetric (it depends on the angle between and ) → the Schrödinger equation can´t be solved analytically 2. Approximate models a) Independent electron approach because of the repulsion of the two e→ → 3.term in (1.2) can be neglected → now we can use the product function: Product approach → the Schrödinger equation (1.4) is separated into two equations, one for each e- : (identical to Schrödinger-equation for H-atom) Product approach • total energy for the Helium atom (Z=2 and both electrons in state n=1): • experimental value: • difference of 40% Subtitute model b) Substituted potential method • one electron moves in a potential due to the coulomb-potential of the nucleus and the second electron • the first electron is assumed as a spherical symmetric cloud around the nucleus and screens the coulomb-potential of the nucleus Subtitute model energy of the electron in full coulomb-potetial of the nucleus energy of the electron in the screened coulombpotential of the nucleus and the first electron experimental value: S = 0.65 Zeff = 1.35 while Z = 2 Variation method c) Variation method • repulsion term • ( is our trial function) Variation method • guessed wavefunction for one electron: • total energy of the electron: Variation method • with two electrons: repulsion energy: so we get a total energy of: our energy, due to the guessed function, is equal E0 or higher Variation method • to determine Zeff we have to minimise the difference in the energies Variation method • for Helium (Z=2) we get: • experimental value: 3. Symmetry of the wavefunction • due to the exchange symmetry of the two electrons, the spatial wavefunction must be symmetric or antisymmetric The electron spin S=1 Tripplet S=0 Singlet Termscheme The Truth Helium has the shape of an pineapple and taste like chicken