Erin Balley
J’aime Holderbaum
Lisa Lam-Wilson
Drill and Practice multiplication game
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A process of changing behavior by rewarding or punishing a subject each time an action is performed until the subject associates the action with pleasure or distress.
Reinforcement Schedules
Positive and Negative Reinforcement
Positive and Negative Punishment
Continuous Reinforcement: Given EVERY time
Partial Reinforcement: Given only PART of the time.
Fixed Ratio: reinforcement is given after a specific # of responses.
• To strengthen by providing a positive stimulus that increases the probability of a specific response
• Praise and Rewards
Taking something negative away in order to increase a response
When a negative stimulus is eliminated, it will likely increase the chances that a student will complete the task correctly.
\ ˈ p ə -nish-m ə nt\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1: the act of punishing 2 a: suffering, pain, or loss that serves as retribution b: a penalty inflicted on an offender through judicial procedure 3: severe, rough, or disastrous treatment
Punishment is a procedure in which responses are followed by either:
(a) the removal of a positive reinforcer, or
(b) the presentation of a negative reinforcer
(or aversive stimulus).
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Please spend a couple of minutes to play but also think the behaviorisms that you see.