
Taylor Pruett
AP biology
3rd block
British mathematician Godfery H. Hardy and
German physician Wilhelm Weinberg.
In 1908, Hardy and Weinberg came up with a
mathematical model to estimate the
genotypic frequencies of a population that is
in genetic equilibrium.
Genetic Equilibrium: where allele frequencies
do not change.
The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that in a
large randomly breeding population, allelic
frequencies will remain the same from
generation to generation assuming that there
is no mutation, gene migration, selection or
genetic drift.
Genetic equilibrium is referred to as HardyWeinberg equilibrium.
This describes a stable, nonevolving
population; allelic frequencies do not change.
Population must be large
Population must be isolated
No mutations
Mating must be random
No natural selection
The Hardy-Weinberg principle is illustrated in
a mathmatical equation:
p = frequency of the dominant allele in the
q = frequency of the recessive allele in the
p2 = percentage of homozygous dominant
q2 = percentage of homozygous recessive
2pq = percentage of heterozygous
◦ D= p
◦ d= q
So, set up your equation like:
D²= frequency of DD
2Dd= frequency of Dd
d²= frequency of dd
D= frequency of the D allele
d= frequency of the d allele
◦ You have sampled a population in which you know
that the percentage of the homozygous recessive
genotype (aa) is 36%. Using that 36%, calculate the
◦ The frequency of the "aa" genotype.
◦ The frequency of the "a" allele.
◦ The frequency of the "A" allele.
◦ The frequency for the “AA” allele.
36%, as given in the problem itself
If q² = 0.36, then q = 0.6, again by
definition. Since q equals the frequency of the
“a” allele, then the frequency is 60%.
Since q = 0.6, and p + q = 1, then p = 0.4;
the frequency of A is by definition equal to p,
so the answer is 40%.
Since p=0.4, to find p², (0.4)²=0.16. So the
frequency of the “AA” genotype is 16%.
A census of albatrosses nesting on a
Galapagos Island revealed that 24 of them
showed a rare recessive condition that
affected beak formation. The other 63 show
no beak defect. What is the frequency of the
dominant allele? Give your answer to the
nearest hundreth.
24+63= 87 total birds.
Take the square root
You get 0.53
1-0.53= 0.47
P= 0.47