Bio 155 - Natural History of Animals Dr. Beverly Krilowicz

Week 2 Study guide, 1/13/14
For this week and next week, keep a running list of the answers to these questions:
What factors maintain genetic variation in a population? (I found 4 in my lecture notes)
What factors decrease heterozygosity? (I found 3)
What can change genotype frequencies without changing allele frequencies?
What factors decrease a population’s ability to adapt to its environment? (2 examples)
Give the 5 assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium.
Explain how scientists use the predictions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to study natural populations. Are
most populations expected to be in H-W equilibrium for any given gene? Why or why not?
From a drawing of a protein gel, be able to:
- determine allele frequencies in a pool of parental gametes
- calculate genotype frequencies
- determine if the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
(i.e., are the genotype frequencies what you would predict based on the allele frequencies?)