Evidence for Evolution

Notes Pg 79
Title: Evidences for
Evolution - Adaptations
Adaptation – something that an
organism has or does that helps
it to better survive in its
On pg 78- Write 1 adaptation each
organism has to live in its environment
Mimicry – an adaptation where
one species looks like another
(usually for protection)
Vestigial structure
Vestigial structure – a structure
that has no purpose, but was
probably useful to an ancestor.
Do people have vestigial structures?
• Shows how
• Shows that
living things
share some
Exit questions!
• 1. What are some of the evidences that
support the theory of evolution?
• 2. How do Darwin’s finches support the theory
of evolution?
• 3. Is evolution a theory, fact, or hypothesis?
Explain your answer.
• 4. What do you want to do after you graduate
high school?
Natural Selection – The organisms
that are best adapted to survive
and reproduce will pass on these
adaptations to the next generation
Natural selection can change a
population over time.
Notes pg 71 Continued
Evidences for Evolution
Glue the bones diagram on
your pg 70
Homologous structures – share a
common ancestor and are similar in
Analogous structures – do NOT share a
common ancestor, but are similar in
Artificial Selection – when humans
choose the organisms to breed in
order to produce offspring with a
specific trait (usually one that is
beneficial to humans)
Exit slips!
• Is this an example of:
• Mimicry
• Vestigial structure
• Homologous structure
• Analogous structure
Is this an example of:
Vestigial structure
Homologous structure
Analogous structure
• Is this an example of:
Vestigial structure
Homologous structure
Analogous structure
• #2
• Is this an example of:
Vestigial structure
Homologous structure
Analogous structure
• #3
• #4 How much wood would a
woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck
could chuck wood?