Evolution power point

Good Morning
 How does an adaptation favor an
organisms survival ?
 Please take out chart we were working on yesterday
with the animal adaptations
 You will now create an organism with those adaptations
Can you make an ideal
species for a environment?
 On a piece of paper number 1-5
 Next to each number pick a letter A-E
and write down one next to each number
 You can repeat letters if you wish
 A=Hot and dry (example: desert),
 B=Hot and rainy (example: tropical rain forest),
 C=Moderate temperatures and high rainfall
(example: deciduous forest)
 , D=Moderate temperatures and low rainfall
(example: grasslands)
 , E=Below zero temperatures (example: tundra)
Type of Terrain
 A=Volcanic islands,
 B=Swampy,
 C=Mountains,
 D=Flatlands,
 E=Underground
 A=Large birds of prey,
 B=Humans,
 C=Cheetahs,
 D=Wolves,
 E=Bears
 A=Fish,
 B=Leaves of tall plants or trees,
 C=Roots of plants,
 D=Fast running animals,
 E=Insects
Biggest Threat to Survival
 A=Pollution,
 B=Deforestation,
 C=Disease,
 D=Not producing enough offspring,
 E=Lack of food or water
Your Job is to:
 Decide which adaptations would be suitable for your
conditions. Remember those with the most favorable
conditions will survive and reproduce
 Show how these adaptations are apparent on their
species. Draw their ideal species fo the environment
 Explain what those adaptations are and why they are
desirable for that situation
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
 Evolution, or change over time, is the process
by which modern organisms have descended
from ancient organisms.
 A scientific theory is a well-supported testable
explanation of phenomena that have occurred
in the natural world.
Evidence supporting evolution
 Fossil Record
 Variations
 Comparative anatomy
homologous structures
analogous structures
vestigial structures
 Embryology
 Molecular
Evidence supporting evolution
 Fossil Record
 Variations
 Comparative anatomy
homologous structures
analogous structures
vestigial structures
 Embryology
 Molecular
Homologous Structuresstructures that have same bone structure but
different functions- examples in lab sheets from
class- Evidence of evolutionhttp://smshs.enschool.org/ourpages/auto/2015/10
Analogous Structures
 Structures of different species having
similar function but different structure
Evidence for Evolution
 Vestigial organs-organs that
serve no useful function in an
Vestigial organs in Human
Similarities in Early
Peter and Rosemary Grant
 Scientists Peter and Rosemary Grant have
studied many of these species for the past
thirty years.
 Spend months at a time on the islands
 Often know every finch on an island
Evolution is:
A change in the frequency of an allele, such as an
allele for beak depth, is the basic definition of
Q4: Did the finch population evolve
from 1976 to 1978?
A: Yes
B: No