Español II: El programa del curso y reglamento Sra. Nieves Cristo Rey High School 2012-2013 Course description: Spanish 2 is designed to improve speaking, reading, listening and writing skills in the Spanish language for both non-heritage and heritage speakers. The course will emphasize culture, history, and geography of the Spanish-speaking countries through lessons on literature, music, and language structures. Students will gain appreciation for the many varieties of the Spanish language and will understand the meaning of Standard Spanish. Throughout the course, the textbook and workbook Buen Viaje Level 2 will be used along with additional material provided by the teacher. Required Material: 1. 2. 3. 4. Black pen Pencil Tape and/or glue stick Spanish interactive notebook (3- subject minimum) bring to class by _____________________. Interactive notebook Cuaderno: Students are required to do all assignments in their interactive notebook. Students will complete daily warm-ups, record notes in Cornell format, and complete homework and classwork in the notebooks. Students will paste any handout provided by the teacher into their notebook. The teacher will check the notebooks periodically for organization and completion (see notebook guideline). Student responsibilities and expectations: Be prepared: Bring all required materials to class daily, be prepared to get to work as soon as you enter the classroom. Be in your seat BEFORE the bell second rings, not while the bell is ringing. Be productive: Complete all assignments with effort and integrity. Do your best on every assignment. Be professional: Act and dress professionally both inside and outside of the classroom. Speak with a formal register and adult voice in class. Be prompt: Come to class and be in your seat BEFORE the bell rings. Students are responsible for being in their seat with their materials ready by the time the second bell rings or otherwise will be considered tardy and will be required to serve an after-school detention. Be prayerful: Participate in daily prayer and respect others during their time of prayer. Be participative: Participate actively both inside and outside of class. Participate in all class discussions and activities. Be polite: Use the magic words, have common courtesy, and don’t interrupt others. Be positive and perseverant: Believe in yourself and enjoy your learning experience! Classroom behavior: Please refer to the Student Handbook for all rules regarding behavior and uniforms. Disrespectful behavior or offensive remarks regarding gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, intelligence, or physical appearance will not be tolerated. Although participation is highly encouraged, conversation is limited to the topic at hand. Any side-conversations or disrespectful interruptions will not be tolerated. Please see the following consequences for these types of behavior. Consequences: 3 Strikes 1- Verbal warning 2- After-school detention 3- Referral to the Dean of Students The following are not allowed and will result in a detention: **Gum chewing; eating or drinking. **Electronic devices; turned off and in your backpack as soon as you enter the classroom. **Moving about the classroom or leaving the classroom without the teacher’s permission. **No backpack in your lap or on your desk; they must remain on the floor. **Personal grooming Cheating: All assignments are to be completed individually and to the best of the student’s ability. Copying from another person or another source, including the internet, is considered cheating. If any assignment is questionable, the student will be sent to the Dean immediately. Using an online translator or copying from the internet is also considered cheating. Homework Policy: Completing homework assignments is essential for learning. Therefore, all homework assignments need to be complete, neat, and organized. Any missing or incomplete homework will result in an afterschool detention. If you are absent, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for retrieving any necessary handouts and/or instructions. You can also visit the Cristo Rey Website to see any posted homework assignments. You have one day to turn in any absent work. Go to Under the ACADEMICS tab, click ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS Click FOREIGN LANGUAGE Click CLASSES (to the right) Click on the link for your class and finally click SEE HOMEWORK Cupones: Students will have opportunities to win homework coupons. The coupons are only used to excuse the student from ONE homework assignment. The coupons are not to be exchanged and must have your name on it. In order to be excused from the assignment, the coupon must be taped or pasted on the homework assignment with a proper heading. Bathroom Passes: Each student will receive 2 bathroom passes per semester. Each pass is worth 5 points towards the final exam. The passes are not to be exchanged and must have your name on it. Do not interrupt the class when you need to use the restroom, simply raise your hand with the pass and place it on my desk upon return. Quizzes: There will be occasional quizzes on vocabulary and grammar structures. Students should expect one quiz per week as they serve as practice before a big exam. If a student misses a quiz, it is THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to arrange to make up a quiz within 2 days. Tests: Tests are 20 % of the overall grade in the class and will be given every few weeks. The same policy applies for a missing exam. The student will have two days to re-take the test or will receive a "0" on that particular exam. Grade weight categories: Participation 20% Tests and Quizzes 20% Homework/Citizenship 25% Projects/Summer Reading 20 % Final Exam/Midterm 15% Grading Scale (refer to the Student Handbook) A 100 - 94 C+ 79 -77 D- 63 - 60 A- 93 – 90 C 76 – 74 F B+ 89 – 87 C- 73 -70 B D+ 69 - 67 D 66 – 64 86 – 84 B- 83 - 80 59- 0 Paper headings and Cornell format: Students are required to complete all assignments with the following heading. Students are also required to use the Cornell format for their notes. Full name_____________ Class name and workday Assignment/ Lesson Topic Date_________________ Topic/ Keywords: Summary: Notes: I have read and understood the preceding policies: Student ___________________________Parent/Guardian __________________________ Parent Contact Info: Home Telephone Number: Cell phone Number: Work Telephone Number: E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ¡Todo sobre mi! 1. ¿Cómo te llamas y cuántos años tienes? What’s your name? How old are you? 2. ¿Cuál es tu actividad preferida? What is your favorite activity? 3. ¿Cuál es la asignatura que te gusta más? What is your favorite school subject? Why? 4. ¿Qué tipo de música prefieres? What is your favorite type of music? 5. ¿Por qué quieres tomar la clase de español? Why did you want to take Spanish class? 6. Dime una cosa muy interesante de ti. Tell me one unique and interesting thing about you. 7. ¿Tienes hermanos? ¿Cuántos? Do you have any siblings? If so, how many? 8. Descríbete en tres palabras Describe yourself in three words: 9. ¿Cuál es la carrera que te interesa? What career interests you?