Español 1 - Cisco ISD


Español 2

Course Syllabus


Course Description:

The objective of this course is to build on the material learned in Spanish 1.

Students will be studying advanced vocabulary and grammatical concepts and will be expected to use these skills in both oral and written communication. The course is designed to continue development in the five basic skills of communication: listening, understanding, reading, speaking, and writing in order to promote an appreciation and understanding of

Spanish speaking people, their culture, and civilization. The class will be conducted predominantly in Spanish.


Class Materials:

In order to get the most out of your class experience, you must bring your materials to class every day. You are expected to have:

 Your textbook

 A writing utensil (No light colors such as yellow, orange or soft pink)

 A 1 ½ inch or 2 inch three ring binder

 5 tabbed dividers

 Loose leaf paper

 An English/Spanish Dictionary

You are responsible for maintaining your notebook at all times. Notebook checks will be made without prior warning. Your tabbed dividers need to be labeled and used to organize your notebook into these categories: Mis

Apuntes, Mi Vocabulario, Mi Tarea, Mis Examenes, Mis Pruebas. All assignments should be dated and neatly organized in your notebook in reverse chronological order.



Each week you are responsible for picking up a daily planner and placing it at the front of your notebook. All assignments are to be tracked on the planner as well as due dates and upcoming events.

You will only receive full credit for work that is turned in on time. Late work will only earn 70% credit. That does not mean a 70. It means that you will be graded normally on the assignment and the grade earned will be deducted


You may not work on late work or make up work during class time. Please pay attention to the task at hand so you don’t fall further behind.


Grading Policy:

Grades are averaged as follows:

Daily Assignments 20%

Quizzes 20%

Tests 20%

Projects 15%

Communication 15%

Organization 10%

Tests and Quizzes will not always be announced. There is strong research in

Foreign Language Learning that supports the view that no one acquires a second language by cramming at the last minute. You should devote at least

10 minutes a day to reviewing the covered material and staying prepared.



Active participation is a must to be successful in learning a new language. You will earn your participation grades by voluntarily answering questions, acting in skits, helping others to learn, speaking the language and contributing new ideas to group discussion.

Behaviors that detract from learning such as not paying attention, being off task, talking when inappropriate, distracting others, sleeping, not having your materials, and not trying will not be tolerated.


Absence Policy:

You as a students are responsible for checking to see what you missed if you must be absent for any reason. Be sure that you use the planner in your class folder in the crate to write down all pertinent information from the missed day. The assignments and information can also be found on our class site for your convenience.


Academic Honesty Policy:

It is expected that you complete and turn in your own original work at all times. Academic dishonesty, cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Any student caught cheating in any way will be given a zero for the assignment and your parents and the principal will be notified of the offense.

Students are not allowed to use translation devices, native speakers, or other well-intentioned accomplices to assist them in their work. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please see me.



 Come to class prepared and ready to learn.

 Respect yourself, your classmates, and your surroundings at all times.

 Leave personal business and inappropriate conversation outside the door.

 Participate every day and ask questions when you don’t understand.


Discipline Policy:

Following directions and treating everyone around you with respect at all times will keep you from entering the discipline policy. However, if you cross a line these are the procedures that I may use:

 Verbal and written reminders to the student.

 Time outs followed by discussion of the behavior.

 Removal from activities and group situations, with alternative assignments given to learn the material.

 Written work assignments addressing the behavior, with a learning component.

 Parent and Principal contacts.

 Referral to the principal, the counselor, or mediation.

 Consultations, both one-on-one and with parents.

 Behavioral contracts.

 Detention.

 Referral to community service around campus.

Please cut along the dotted line and return the bottom half of the page signed for homework credit.

I have read and fully understand the classroom policies stated above and will follow them to the best of my ability.


Student Name (Please Print)




Student Signature


Parent Signature

*** Parents, It is my goal to keep you informed and make you feel welcome in our class at any time. Please help me have a way to tell you about the great things that we are doing in Spanish this year.

(Select one please)

The best way to reach me is by: Phone Email

My contact information is:

Phone ___________________________________


Cell Phone ______________________________

Email ___________________________________

Mailing Address:
