Name: Period: Anatomy & Physiology The Muscular System The

Anatomy & Physiology
The Muscular System
The Muscular system:
 __________________________________ are organs
 They provide ______________________________, move body
_____________________________________ & food, provide the heartbeat & distribute
There are 3 types of muscle:
1. Skeletal Muscle
2. ____________________________________________ Muscle
3. Cardiac Muscle
Skeletal Muscle:
 Attached to bones
 ___________________________________________________________
 Allow movement
 Striated (____________________________________________________)
 Enclosed in endomysium (connective tissue) which forms fibers called
 The fascicles collectively form _____________________________________________________,
tendon-like structures which attach to bones.
Smooth Muscle
 No ____________________________________________________________
 Involuntary
 Located in hollow ______________________________________________ (stomach, bladder,
Cardiac Muscle
 Striated
 ___________________________________________________________
 Located only in the _________________________________________ (pump blood)
Muscle functions:
 Movement (contraction & relaxation)
 _____________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________ stabilization
 Heat generation
Microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle:
 ________________________________________________ is the plasma membrane.
 The contractile unit in the muscle is the
 Myofibrils are the organelles.
 Myofilaments are the __________________________________________ found within the
sarcomeres. These form striations.
____________________________________________ are thin filaments.
Myosin are _______________________________________________ filaments.
These striations a pattern with 2 parts:
1. I bands (_______________________________________) have actin attached to Z lines.
2. A bands (dark) are _______________________________________ overlapping actin,
contain an ___________________________________________ (central thick region)
and a M line.
3. Within the sarcoplasm is the sarcoplasmic reticulum (just like the ER of other cells).
These are membranous channels.
Skeletal muscle activity:
 Motor ___________________________________________________(nervous system) connect
to each & every skeletal muscle fiber.
 The __________________________________________________ between these two forms a
neuromuscular junction.
 This is the reason skeletal muscles contract.
 Motor neurons branch; their ends contain a lot of mitochondria & synaptic vesicles (responsible
for _______________________________________________).
 They ______________________________________________ neurotransmitters.
 The basic movement of skeletal muscle is a result of a stimulus (via a neuro-transmitter).
 The actin & myosin filaments ____________________________________ past each other,
shortening the muscle fiber (contraction).
 Acetylcholine is the _________________________________________________________
responsible for skeletal muscle contraction.
This needs _______________________________ and high [Ca++]
This is called the
_________________________________________________________________ Theory.
Energy for muscle contraction:
 _________________________________________________ respiration: requires oxygen and
produces ___________________________________, which is used by muscles.
 Creatine phosphate: provides phosphate to ADP to make _______________________________,
which is then used by muscles.
 ________________________________ acid fermentation: this is anaerobic respiration (no
oxygen used).
Lactic acid is produced (and a small amount of ATP).
Oxygen debt & Muscle Tone:
 Active muscles tend to become _____________________________________ deficient.
 An accumulation of lactic acid in muscles causes fatigue,
______________________________________ and pain.
 Repaying an oxygen debt (after strenuous exercise) may take several hours.
 Even at rest, ________________________________________________ exists. This is the
sustained contraction of muscles. This is important in maintaining posture.
Muscle movements, types & names:
 Muscles move according to their location & position.
 The immovable end of a muscle is called the
________________________________________________ (head) while the
________________________________________________ end is called its insertion.
Insertion is pulled towards its origin.
Some muscles have more than 1 origin or insertion.
 Ex: biceps brachii (in arm) has 2 ______________________________________ (biceps=2 heads)
 __________________________________________means decreasing an angle
 Extension means increasing an angle
 Muscle name usually indicates info about it:
its________________________________________________, size, # of attachments,
__________________________________________________ or action.
_________________________________________________ (shaped like a delta or triangle)
___________________________________________________ brachii (2 heads in the brachium, or arm)
pectoralis major (______________________________________ in size, located in pectoral, or chest,
Major superficial muscles of the body
Head & Neck muscles:
Facial muscles
 ____________________________________________________________
 Occipitalis
 Orbicularis ______________________________________________________
 Orbicularis Oris
 Buccinator
 Zygomaticus
Chewing Muscles
 ___________________________________________________________________
 Temporalis
 Platysma
 Sternocleidomastoid
Trunk muscles: anterior muscles:
 Pectoralis Major: covers ___________________________________________
 ________________________________________________ Muscles: between ribs
 _______________________________________________ Abdominis: from pubis to rib cage
 External ___________________________________________________________
 Internal oblique
 Transversus abdominus
Trunk muscles: Posterior muscles:
 ___________________________________________________: kite-shaped muscle over neck &
 Latissimus Dorsi
 _____________________________________________________ Spinae (deep back)
 Quadratus Lumborum
 _____________________________________________________ (triangular-shaped muscle of
Upper limb muscles:
 __________________________________________________________ brachii
 Brachialis
 Brachioradialis
 Triceps ______________________________________________________
Muscles of lower limb:
Hip Joint Muscles:
 Gluteus __________________________________________________(buttocks)
 Gluteus Medius
 Iliopsoas (p is silent; iliac crest to ________________________________________________)
 Adductor Muscles
Knee Joint Muscles:
 ____________________________________________________________ (includes biceps
 Sartorius
 Quadriceps (includes rectus femoris): intramuscular
____________________________________________ usually occur here.
Ankle & Foot:
 Extensor Digitorum Longus
 Fibularis Muscles (fibula to _____________________________________________________)
 Gastrocnemius (___________________________________________________)
 Soleus
Look up in text or online: Atrophy, rotation, abduction, adduction, circumduction, dorsiflexion, plantar
flexion, inversion, eversion, supination, pronation, opposition, prime mover, antagonists, synergists,
fixators, muscular dystrophy, Duchene’s muscular dystrophy, and mysthenia gravis