World Geography Mr. Logsdon or (915) 832-6730 ext. 6220 Rm. B220 Materials: *Textbook- McDougall Littell: World Geography *2” Binder with pockets and clear front- This is used for Interactive Notebook *Pens: Blue or Black Ink *Highlighters Grading Policy: -The semester grade will be determined as follows: (45%) First 9 weeks grade (45%) Second 9 weeks grade (10%) Semester Final A: 90 – 100 B: 80 – 89 C: 75 – 79 D: 70 – 74 F: below 70 -The grade scale for each 9 week grading period Classwork- 30% Exams/Quizzes-30% Homework-30% Notebook-10% Warm-Ups: These will be completed during the first 15 minutes of class. They will be counted as part of the daily grades and will be checked periodically. Classwork: This consists of participation, presentations, debates, group projects, written assignments, and discussions. If time permits during a class period, students may use “free” time to begin homework, or work on any assignments missed. Quizzes: Quizzes will take place on a bi-weekly basis; however, quizzes may also be unannounced. Quizzes will cover material from the textbook, lectures, classwork, or videos. (Weeks 2, 4, 6 of the current grading period) Exams/ Projects: Exams will cover material from the Textbook, Lectures, classwork, or videos. Exams will be every eighth week of the current grading period. Notebooks: A class notebook will be maintained throughout the semester. The notebook will contain any information or handouts the teacher gives, as well as graded papers, lecture notes, and quizzes/exams. The class syllabus and schedule will be displayed in the notebook at all times. The setup of the notebook will be discussed in class at the beginning of the semester; a handout detailing set-up will be handed out, and will be placed in the notebook for reference. Class Participation/Conduct: Students are expected to arrive to class on time and prepared for instruction. Students must be in their assigned seat when the tardy bell rings. Students are expected to participate. This may be based upon participation in class discussions, presentations, and general preparedness for class. Make-Up Work/ Late Work: Students must coordinate with the teacher to attain all work missed from an absence. Quizzes and exams may be made up during the lunch hour, before school, or after school. Students have one class day per excused absence to complete make-up work without penalty. Late work will be accepted up to a week after its initial due date. However, for each school day late, 10 points will be deducted from the assignment, prior to grading. Substitutes: Students are responsible for all work assigned during the teachers absence. If a student is present but no work is received, the student will receive a zero for the given assignment. Tutoring: I will be available in my classroom before and after school (unless stated otherwise) for tutoring and/ or make up work. A detailed schedule will be available in the classroom. ______________________________________________________________________________ Parent/ Student Acknowledgment Form: By signing below, I attest that I understand the policies and procedures of the class and agree to adhere to said rules and regulations. Student Name: ______________________________________ Class Period: _________ Student Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______________ Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________ Date: _______________ Parent/Guardian Contact Information: Phone number: (____) ______-___________ Email address: ______________________________ @ ____________________________