AP Statistics Ms. Febles
1. Follow directions at all times - the first time they are given.
2. Be in your seat with all necessary materials and ready to BEGIN CLASS when the bell rings.
3. Be actively engaged in the lesson, that is, ask and answer questions. You are responsible for your own learning, copy all notes and complete all class work on time.
4. Respect others around you. Using good manners in the classroom will make your time here more productive and enjoyable. Remember that everyone’s suggestions are important. This is a place to listen and share ideas.
5. Avoid behavior that disrupts learning. Remember that you are responsible for your actions.
6. Absolutely NO TEXTING and no filming/pictures during class. At Terra, using technology is encouraged as long as it enhances learning not detracts from it.
Failure to abide by the guidelines above will result in various disciplinary actions.
Depending on the severity and frequency of the offense, consequences to disruptive behavior will include:
Verbal Warning - Student/Teacher Conference
Parent Contact
Referral of student to counselor/administration
Organize yourself: Make sure you have all materials in your book bag before coming to school. At home, set a time to do homework and study. Establish a routine and stick to it.
Maintain your notebook/take good notes: Your notebook will be your guide for completing assignments when your teacher is not there to help you. It will also be a powerful study tool as you prepare for exams. Please make sure you understand the notebook guidelines for your class; they will be discussed the first week of school.
Follow lecture and class exercises: Try to listen as actively as possible. Think about what the teacher is saying and how the problem is being solved. Write everything down, this will help you understand and remember. Ask questions if you are uncertain about a particular step or part of a solution. Be specific! By listening attentively, you will also be ready to respond if you are called upon to answer a question.
Prepare for exams: Find out what kind of exam you will be taking (multiple choice or free response test). Make sure you know what material will be on it. Start reviewing immediately using your notes/textbook and, if you encounter problems, ask your teacher for help during reviews. Use flashcards, reread your notes, look over old homework problems and practice solving them again. The more problems you solve the more confident you will be during the test.