Chemistry Poster Project

Chemistry Poster Project
Create a poster with a partner including the following components:
1. A diagram of the atomic structure picture with labels (of an element with an atomic number
over 4). Worth 20 points.
a. Include the first three shells and the maximum capacity of electrons for each.
b. Include the charge for each subatomic part with the label of each.
c. Provide an example of an element with an atomic number over 8 with a Lewis dot model
and a Bohr model.
d. Provide a definition of an ion and a isotope.
2. Trends of the Periodic Table. Worth 20 points
a. Picture and labels with all of the families or groups
b. An explanation of the characteristics of each family (1,2, 13-18)
c. An explanation of which families bond with one another and why.
3. Chemical Bonding. Worth 20 points.
a. A diagram of a combined Bohr model of an ionic bond.
b. A diagram of a Bohr model of a covalent bond (Like in your book on page 373)
c. A table displaying the difference between covalent and ionic bonds
d. A picture and explanation of metallic bonds.
4. Chemical reactions. Worth 20 points.
a. Show the steps of balancing an equation using one of the equations on the small white
pieces of paper around the room.
b. Create a table that explains the difference between each of the following types of
chemical reactions ( synthesis (also known as combination), decomposition, single
replacement, double replacement).
c. Provide an example of each type of chemical reaction in the form of a balanced
5. Proper Grammar and Neatness for this project is ESSENTIAL!!!! This is the breakdown in point
value for this portion of your grade.
a. The use of rulers (or computer) for tables. _____ 5 points
b. Proper labels and titles. _____ 5 points
c. Accurate spelling and grammar. _____ 5 points
d. Neat and complete drawings. _____ 5 points