Functional Groups KEY

SI WS #2 – Functional Groups, Review of General Chemistry
1. What is the definition of a hydrocarbon?
An organic compound consisting entirely of the elements hydrogen and carbon.
2. What is meant by the term “generic” hydrocarbon? What is the symbol used to represent a
generic hydrocarbon?
A generic hydrocarbon means that the hydrocarbon can contain as many or as few carbon
atoms as it wants. The symbol used is R. As a side note, a generic halide is symbolized by X.
3. What is a functional group and why are they important?
A functional group is the part of an organic molecule that makes it different.
Ex. Draw a 4 carbon aldehyde and a 4 carbon alcohol – only difference is functional group
4. Match the names and pictures of each of the fundamental functional groups. Write the number
of the picture in the blanks next to the names.
i. ___11__ Alcohol
ii. ___3__ Aldehyde
iii. __10___ Amide
iv. ___8__ Amine
v. ___2__ Ether
vi. ___7__ Ester
vii. ___6__ Ketone
viii. ___1__ Nitrile
ix. ___5__ Nitrox. ___4__ Acid Halide (chlorine/bromine)
xi. ___9__ Carboxylic Acid
5. Why do you think these functional groups are important to know?
Functional groups are important because they are the building blocks of organic chemistry.
Each of these functional groups will be discussed in great detail throughout the semester.
SI WS #2 – Functional Groups, Review of General Chemistry
6. What does IR stand for and what is it used for?
Infrared Spectroscopy. IR is used to determine which functional groups are present in a
certain molecule. It can be helpful in determining what kind of molecule you have in an
unknown sample.
Review of General Chemistry
7. Which of the following is NOT a rule used when constructing electronic configurations?
a. Orbitals of lowest energy are filled first.
b. Only two electrons can occupy any one orbital.
c. Electrons sharing an orbital prefer to have the same spin.
d. Electrons prefer empty orbitals and will fill each empty orbital of the same energy
level first.
8. Draw the electronic configuration of phosphorous (P). Label the subshells and remember the
rules on electron placement (Hint: The atomic number of phosphorous is 15.)
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
9. How many electrons does magnesium (Mg) have in its valence shell? First draw the electron
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2, 2 e- in valence shell
Shells are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.
10. How many valence electrons does carbon have? How many bonds does carbon form? Are
these bonds ionic or covalent?
4, 4, covalent
11. Identify the hybridization at each of the numbered carbons and the middle nitrogen.
1. ____sp3______
4. ____sp______
2. _____sp2_____
N: _____sp2______ 3. ______sp____
5. ____sp3______
6. _____sp2_____
SI WS #2 – Functional Groups, Review of General Chemistry
12. Electronegativity is defined as:
a. the ability of an atom to repel electrons from itself
b. the ability of an atom to attract electrons to itself
c. the charge on an atom
d. the charge on an electron
13. What is the maximum number of electrons contained in the outer (valence) shell of an atom?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
14. What is Hund’s Rule? (Hint: Which seat would you choose on the bus?)
Hund’s Rule: Every orbital in a subshell is singly occupied with one electron before any
one orbital is doubly occupied.
15. How many orbitals (s, p) participate in the formation of sp orbitals? sp2 orbitals? sp3 orbitals?
a. 4, 3, 2
b. 2, 2, 2
c. 2, 3, 4
d. 3, 2, 4