HPER 215


HPHE 1650

Nutrition and Body Composition

Using your textbook, complete and bring this worksheet to class as noted on the block plan.

Nutrition (ch. 4)

1. Diet is the

2. What are the three goals of “good” nutrition?


3. When are total nutrient needs the greatest?

4. What is the definition of a kilocalorie?

5. Give one example of a complex carbohydrate:

6. What benefit does fiber provide?

7. Fill in the information for each nutrient category:

Nutrients Kilocals/gram Recommended

Proportion of Diet



Primary Dietary Function

Fat Children:

4-8 yrs:

Adults (19 + yrs):




8. What are the two types of vitamins?

9. What are the two classes of minerals?

10. What proportion of the human body is made up of water?



11. What are two contributors to the obesity epidemic cited in chapter four?

12. What organization regulates food labeling?

13. According to the government, what is an average daily caloric intake?

14. What are the three broad goals in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

Nutr/Bcomp worksheet


15. What concept does the idea “calories in = calories out” represent?

16. One pound of fat = kilocalories. Consuming an extra calories/day can result in a one pound weight gain in a single year.

Body Composition (ch. 8)

17. Body composition is: and is expressed in terms of .

18. What are the four main aspects of teaching students about body composition identified in chapter eight?

19. Fill in the recommended body composition values for college-age individuals:

Minimum HFZ

Females Males

Maximum HFZ

20. T/F: Weight reduction efforts can cause loss of lean tissue as well as body fat.

21. T/F: With diligent resistance training over time, fat cells can be turned into muscle cells.

22. List the five ways the book presented for measuring body composition.

23. What does BMI reflect a relationship between?

24. What is the optimal percentile range for BMI for children/adolescents (up to 18 yr) ?

25. Is it better to be pear- or apple-shaped? Why?

26. Which tissue conducts electricity better, fat or muscle?


Nutr/Bcomp worksheet


27. By definition, what is obesity for adults?

For children (<18 yrs) ?

28. What are obesity’s three main contributing factors?

29. What are the three main eating disorders in the school age population? List two warning signs of each disorder.




30. If you suspect a student has an eating disorder, what step should you take?

31. What percent of individuals with anorexia nervosa die?

32. What two behaviors cycle to create bulimia?

33. List three health consequences of bulimia:

34. How is binge eating unique?

35. What are 3 of the most significant health consequences of binge eating?
