Essentials of Human Nutrition: Exam 2 REVIEW

Essentials of Human Nutrition: Exam 2 REVIEW
1. The main explanation for the difference in basal metabolic rates between males and females of the
same body weight and the reason that males have a higher metabolic rate, is that males have a higher
percentage of lean body mass (muscle) than females.
2. Catabolism is the chemical reactions that go on in living cells that produce smaller molecules and
provide the body with energy
3.. ATP is the major energy carrier molecule in cells and is what allows you to get up out of your desk and
leave the classroom.
Which of the following can be formed from acetyl CoA molecules?
5. The series of reactions involving the conversion of glucose to pyruvate is known as
6. When a person is performing intense physical exercise and begins to feel fatigue, even winded, and a
burning pain in the muscles is present, the person is likely to be producing
7. One of the two possible fates of the two carbon molecule acetyl CoA is that it can used to make stored
fatty acids.
8. When energy-yielding nutrients are consumed in excess, which one(s) can lead to storage of fat?
9. Which of the following can be synthesized from all three energy-yielding nutrients?
10. An aerobic reaction is one that requires
11. After consuming a very large meal, the desire to not to eat again for a period of time is an example of
12. A person who exhibits a psychological desire to eat is most likely experiencing the sensation of
13. Satiety is the feeling of satisfaction resulting from consumption of a meal and can last hours afterwards.
14. Body mass index (BMI) is an index of a person’s weight in relation to height
15. Amount of lean body tissue has the most influence on the body’s metabolic rate?
16. Waist circumference can be used to gauge the amount of a person’s abdominal fat.
17. Energy needed to maintain your body at rest is termed your Metabolism rate
18. Obesity resulting from an increase in the size of fat cells is termed hypertrophic obesity.
19. In what region of the body is the storage of excess body fat associated with the highest risks for
cardiovascular disease and diabetes?
20. Compared with non-obese people, obese people have a lower physical activity level
21. Because the gene pool of our population remains relatively unchanged, Environment concerns such
as Overeating and Physical Inactivity became a major influence on the Obesity problem of our population
22. Obesity problems depend on many factors such as the extent of overweight, age, health status and
genetic makeup as well as risk factors that may differ among individuals such as Psychological factors or
Social and cultural factors
23. Television watching contributes to obesity because it promotes inactivity, it promotes between-meal
snacking, and it gives high exposure to energy-dense foods featured in the commercial advertisements
24. 0.5-2 lbs/week is a safe rate of weight loss on a long-term basis for most overweight people.
25. Health outcomes of obesity include all of the following except:
26. When looking for a sound weight loss diet, ALL of the following components should be included
27. Successful maintenance of weight loss requires positive affirmations, strong motivation,
support, appropriate behaviors, and positive changes in body shape.
28. An Adverse side effects of typical low-carbohydrate would be fatigue.
29. A feature of high-protein diets is they provide for long-term weight maintenance by teaching
appropriate long term eating behaviors.
30. A characteristic of anorexia nervosa in those who are treated, many relapse into abnormal eating
31. A characteristic of the eating pattern of people with bulimia nervosa is that binge eating typically
occurs after a period of strict dieting
32. Which of the following can be used to gauge the amount of a person’s visceral abdominal fat and
hence their risk for such health problems as cardiovascular disease and diabetes?
33. A high risk of weight-related health problems is seen in men whose waist circumference begins to
34. Consequences of Dieting as a means of weight control include all of the following EXCEPT
35. Issues associated with Re-feeding after Weight Loss Dieting as a means of weight control include all of
the following EXCEPT
36. In recognizing an Unsound Diet as a means of weight control all of the following would be apparent
37. Characteristics of a Sound Diet for weight management would include all of the following except
38. In almost all studies researching diet and exercise in relation to weight loss, the diet plus exercise
group lost somewhat more weight than the diet alone or the exercise alone groups.
39. To lose weight and keep it off, you need to make changes in your lifestyle. But there's more to
changing your lifestyle than choosing different foods and putting more activity into your day. It also
involves changing your approach to eating and activity, which means changing how you think, feel and act.
40. Exploring current eating and exercise habits gives a place to start when changing behaviors.
41. To lose weight and keep it off, Behavior therapy requires having a plan such as determining a
realistic eating plan that includes plenty of water, fruits and vegetables.
42. Surgery is an option for those who have tried weight loss programs and failed, have a BMI ≥
35, and are having health problems due to their weight.
43. Appropriate as part of a successful Weight-Loss Strategies, would be to develop a eating plan that
would be centered around complex carbohydrates foods which offer abundant vitamins, minerals and fiber
with little fat.
44. Appropriate as part of a successful Weight-Loss Strategies, would be to develop a eating plan that
would be centered around complex carbohydrates and then choose fats sensibly and reduce the quantity of
fat and watch empty Calories from sugar and alcohol.
45. Appropriate as part of a successful Weight-Loss Strategies, would be to develop an eating plan that
would consist of meals planned through out the day consisting of smaller portions to feel satisfied, but
not stuffed.
46. Appropriate as part of a successful Weight-Loss Strategies, would be to develop an eating plan that
would consist of meals of very little variety so that appetite is not stimulated by the presence of a food that
is enjoyed and hence may be over consumed.
47. Incidences of underweight and associated health problems are more prevalent than
overweight and obesity problems.
48. Since obesity apparently has many causes, even in a single individual, the best attack of the problem
seems to be:
49. Weight control is as simple as balancing intake to output of energy.
50. Successful maintenance of weight loss requires all of the following except: