[Typewebsites text] Useful Activities to try at home – http://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/collections/p00kf6hs E-Safety Alert! All websites are subject to the school’s firewall – pop-ups can and do happen, please be alert! + Personal, Social and Emotional development Our SEAL topic is Say no to Bullying In RE we will learn about Valuing New Life qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq We will learn about plants and what they need to grow. We will learn about sources of light, shadows and darkness. The role play area will be a weather station We will be focusing on SPAG Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Communication and Language, Literacy Snow and Ice different? Do you have to wear different things? activities and dance activities. We will make various craft items linked to a Midsummer Night’s Expressive Arts and Design We will learn about the work of Acrimboldo. We will develop our fraction work. Work on multiplication and division. Days out to different places in the UK –is the weather We will complete in multi skills Dream. locations. Places to visit – Garden Centre to learn about the plants. Physical development Communication and Language, Literacy We will find out about the weather in different Understanding of the World Make shadow puppets for a shadow puppet theatre. Report writing, story writing, instructions and descriptive writing. In computing we will complete programming activities. We will learn how animals are adapted to environments. Plant and try to grow some seeds. Complete activities involving money, measures and problem solving and reasoning. Further improve our place value skills and understanding. Maths We will develop our drawing, Please cut off painting and sewing techniques. and return the slip below to let me know what interests your child. ............ ............ My child ...............................would like to know more about............................................................ .................................................................................. ....