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Cinderella Story Comparison Lesson Plan

RL.2.7 !
Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to
demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.!
Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories)
by different authors or from different cultures.!
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and
texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.!
As an introduction to different perspectives on the same story, students will analyze text
of a different version of a familiar story.!
Active Learning Strategy #1: (Whole Group)!
I invite students to meet at the rug. They are introduced to a new version of Cinderella
called “Cinder-Elly". I ask them to pay attention to what is different or the same in this
book compared to the traditional version. (If students are not familiar with the traditional
version of Cinderella, I will either read that version or show a movie clip that
summarizes it.)!
Transition: After the story, I ask students to react by discussing the part of the story that
stands out the most. I chart or type and project what they dictate to me.!
Active Learning Strategy #2: (Small Groups)!
Divide students into four collaborative groups of five to six students. Each member of
the collaborative group has a specific job to do. I ask each each leader to meet with me
briefly to discuss their strategy on how they are going to discuss similarities and
differences with their teams as the managers are collecting their materials. I also ask
them to have their team work together to create two projects per table:!
1. Construct a visual that shows the similarities between the traditional vs.
nontraditional version.!
2. Construct a visual that shows the differences between the traditional vs.
nontraditional version.!
3. Be prepared to share out at the end of 20 minutes. !
Formative Check/ Oral Presentation:!
This is the most exciting part of this lesson. The team decides on who will present and
sometimes they each take a part in the presentation. I remind them that their team is as
strong as the weakest member. So, we all have to work together at supporting each
other and strengthening our weak areas. Just a fact of life we all must learn. I will use a
teacher created rubric to help the students focus their presentations, it will be shown on
the promethean board. !
After the share out session, I ask students to complete a Ticket out the Door reflection. !
This will give me ideas on tweaking things for tomorrow's lesson for this unit.!
If students are not familiar with the traditional version of Cinderella, I usually read the
original version or make a quick review of it. Then, I begin to read aloud the Chinese
version of Cinderella; Yeh-Shen, retold by Ai-Loing Louie.!
Active Learning Strategy #1: (Whole Group)!
Students are asked to recall information of differences between the traditional and
Chinese versions. Afterwards, we discuss the similarities between the traditional and
Chinese versions. !
We chart their answers on a class Venn Diagram. I prefer to do this charting on my
Promethean board and save their answers on my laptop for future reference. !
Transition: After the story, I ask students to react by discussing the part of the story that
stands out the most. I chart or type and project what they dictate to me.!
Active Learning Strategy #2: (Small Groups)!
Students will focus on the board to view shadow puppet images. We will examine the
Indonesian Shadow puppet and its craft/ structure so that students have an idea to
create one for their presentation, using available tools. !
Then, I ask students to create shadow puppets. They will prepare scripts and create
performances of both versions. However, I will assign which cooperative groups will
create shadow puppets of the original and which groups will create the Chinese version.
For the sake of time, I limit each group to three puppets. !
Formative Check/ Puppet Show:!
Students are asked to begin showcasing their puppet show of the story they were
given. I would play Indonesian music, which is a traditional type of music featuring
instruments such as bamboo flutes, gongs, xylophones, strings, etc. You can find it on
youtube. !