Name _____________________________________ Per ___ Lab Table # ____ Skeletal Muscle Identification This guide is designed to orient you with some of the major superficial skeletal muscles that are common to the human and visible on the rat. Hints: remove as much adipose (fat) tissue as possible from the rat with forceps and scalpel use a paper towel to blot the preservative from each muscle group. this will allow you to see the “grain” of the muscles (what direction the fibers are running) Directions: 1. Open “Muscle Premium” module from the Desktop 2. Click on “Muscle Actions” 3. Click on the icon to switch to black background for easier viewing 4. For each of the following regions: a. select the indicated action, b. view all the available views (anterior, lateral, etc…) c. click on each muscle indicated below to highlight it, check it off, and d. locate the indicated muscles on your rat 5. You can return to muscle choices by clicking on “Menu” at the bottom of the page and “Back” in the pop-up navigation window Region: Shoulder and Arm Action: Elbow Flexion o muscles: ___ ___ ___ ___ biceps brachii, long head biceps brachii, short head brachialis brachioradialis Action: Elbow Extension o muscles: ___ triceps brachii, long head ___ triceps brachii, lateral head ___ triceps brachii, medial head Document1 3/19/2016 Actions: Scapula Elevation o muscle: ___ trapezius Action: Shoulder Adduction o muscles: ___ lattisimus dorsi (on the posterior view) ___ pectoralis major (on the anterior view) Action: Shoulder Abduction o muscles: ___ deltoid, anterior head ___ deltoid, medial head ___ deltoid posterior head Region: Forearm and Hand Action: Hand digits 2-5 extension o muscle: ___ extensor digitorum Action: Hand digits 2-5 flexion o muscle: ___ flexor digitorum superficialis Action: Wrist flexion o muscles: ___ ___ ___ ___ flexor pollicis longus flexor carpi radialis flexor digitorum superficialis flexor carpi ulnaris Action: Wrist extension o muscles: ___ ___ ___ ___ Document1 extensor carpi radialis longus extensor carpi radialis brevis extensor digitorum extensor carpi ulnaris 3/19/2016 Region: Abdomen Action: Spine flexion o muscle: ___ external oblique Region: Leg Action: Knee extension o muscles: ___ ___ ___ ___ Action: Knee flexion o muscles: ___ ___ ___ ___ rectus femoris vastus lateralis vastus medialis vastus intermedius biceps femoris, short head biceps femoris, long head semitendinosus semimembranosus Action: Dorsiflexion o muscles: ___ tibialis anterior ___ extensor digitorum longus ___ extensor hallucis longus Action: Plantarflexion o muscles: ___ gastrocnemius ___ soleus Document1 3/19/2016