Latin Five IB Syllabus for Standard Level IB

Latin Five IB Syllabus for Standard Level IB
Teacher: Cathy Eagle
Primary Resources: IB Classical Languages, Selections from Ovid, Vergil, Catullus, Horace
Grading Percentages: Formal assessments 70%
tests, Project, quizzes
Informal Assessments 30%
Course Goals: To translate unadapted Latin texts
To analyze Latin literature for meaning, structure, and artistic value
To recognize and develop a context for Latin literature within Roman culture and its
impact on other cultures including English literature and art
Unit 1: Sight Reading poetry (August –mid-September)
Students will concentrate on Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Each student should purchase if possible
an English translation of the Metamorphoses. They are responsible for reading each story, writing a
brief summary of the character and plot as well as any specific imagery included in that story. A
familiarity with the plot of the book will assist in translating the sight passages both in class and on the
IB test in level five.
Students will also review how to scan Latin poetry ( emphasis on the dactylic hexameter) and
to recognize and interpret poetic techniques.
The following selections of Ovid will be translated and analyzed: Daphne and Apollo.
Every Monday class students will complete a momentum translation from the Metamorphoses.
This will be a formal assessment and will continue throughout the course.
Unit 2 Catullus Love Poetery (mid-September – November)
Students will translate and analyze selection from the poet Catullus
3,5,8,11,13,31,45,51,72,76,85, 101
Unit 3 Horace Odes 3 2,6,8,14, 22, 28, 30
(December – February
Internal Assessment Research Dossier Begin in October due mid-Februaru
Unit 4 Epic Poetry (February –April))
Students will read the Aeneid is English as they are responsible for knowing the entire story.
They are encouraged to buy a personal copy so that they may annotate their reading. We will explore
epic as a genre, focusing on the Aeneid as the seminal work of Latin literature .Students must be able to
scan and interpret selections from Book 4 lines 198-552