California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Enrollment Management Committee Meeting
April 15, 2014
3:30-5:00 pm / E-304
Attendance: Marilyn Flores, Craig Rutan, Leonor Aguilera, Ruth Babeshoff, Debbie Brooks, Lucy Carr-Rollitt, Elizabeth Elchlepp, Corinna Evett, Barbara Garrahy,
Debbie Hjorth (new classified member), Kari Irwin, Regina Lamourelle, Nicholas Magalousis (replaced Lourdes Fajardo), Andy Salcido, Barbara Sproat, Martin Stringer
Absent: Rudy Carrion, Linda Miskovic, Tuyen Nguyen, Stephen Reed (replaced Narges Rabii), Randy Scott, Robert Waldren
Motion to approve the minutes as
(C. Evett / E. Elchlepp) was passed
1. Approval of Minutes: 3/18/14
2. Report from Planning and
Institutional Effectiveness (PIE)
Craig Rutan reported: Continue to develop more request
forms. The committee members used last year’s prioritized
resources request list to test this year’s resource allocation
rubric. The 2014-15 rubric will be finalized at the next PIE
meeting. The meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays,
3:30-5pm, in E-206 and are open to all.
3. Intersession Update on Add’l
Requested Data
Reviewed the handouts covering the Spring 2014 Intersession
data with the addition of data which excludes Ws in the
Success Rate. All Success Rates increased when the Ws were
removed. Only 100 level classes were offered, none of the 200
Should the EMC endorse Intersession for 2015?
Items to consider:
 Need to look at classes that were cancelled due to low
 If other colleges are providing Intersession
 If Intersession had a positive impact on programs or a
negative impact on programs (some lab classes
couldn’t be offered due to 4 week framework)
 Did students graduate or transfer to a college due to
Intersession classes
 Since college budget targets are annual, Intersession
would take money away from Fall & Spring
 Intersession was growth but was it part of the base or
Research Question: Deans are to
check with their department
chairs to find out if Intersession
had a positive or negative impact
on their programs and why.
Departments should be given
budget targets.
growth in the future
Should departments be forced to offer intersession
classes or should they be given targets and allowed to
schedule in a different way that still meets those
Additional data will be available after the completion
of the spring semester and the committee will review
this information in fall
Request additional data to show
if Intersession was used for
students who were repeating
classes; course caps and waitlist
for spring 2013 and spring 14
terms; list of cancelled courses
due to low enrollment; how many
students took an Intersession
course and graduated/transferred.
4. Discussion on Request for Add’l
Data for Awareness
Phase/Historical Data
Sergio continues to work on the data requests but will
demonstrate the Draft Department Chair Tool at the next
5. Report Out – Committee Members
Review of Other College’s EMC
Discussed observations of the EMC plans used by Crafton
Hills College and Cuesta College.
Continue discussions of the EMC
plans for Golden West College,
L.A. Valley, Los Medanos
College, Long Beach City College,
Orange Coast College, Peralta
Community College and Pierce
College at the next meeting.
6. Topics for next meeting
Discuss the possibility of expanding the groups who are
given “priority enrollment”, and priority versus Reserved
seating to be discussed. A suggestion was made to refer to
reserved seats as “Pathway Seat Reservation” (PSK).
Need list of groups with priority
enrollment – must be in
compliance with student successstate and local policies.
Next Meeting
May 6, 2014
Santiago Canyon College
Mission Statement
Santiago Canyon College is an innovative learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster student success and to help students achieve these
core outcomes: to learn, act, communicate and think critically. We are committed to maintaining standards of excellence and providing an accessible, a transferable, and an engaging education to a
diverse community. (Approved by College Council 4/12/11)