October 6, 2014

Minutes for College of Humanities
Administrative Council
Monday, October 6, 2014
~ Pending Approval @ November 3, 2014 Meeting ~
Members Present: Scott Andrews, Tim Black, R. Dianne Bartlow, Douglas Carranza, Brian
Castronovo, Ranita Chatterjee, Greg Knotts, Gina Masequesmay, Evelyn McClave, Chhan
Mech, Teresa Morrison, Jody Myers, Mary Pardo, Elizabeth Say, Karin Stanford, Suren
Seropian, Jackie Stallcup, Nayereh Tohidi, Marvin Villanueva,.
1. Call to Order: 2:07
2. Reviewed 09/08/14 minutes – MSP w/ 2 corrrections, 1 abstention
3. Discussion item: faculty workload issues
A discussion took place about faculty workload and whether it is possible to move to a 3-course
load by increasing the SFR. Departments can explore the possibility of this on a case by case
4. Budget Update (Elizabeth W.) – tabled till next meeting.
5. Update on 2015-16 Hiring
The Faculty openings have been posted on the Faculty Affairs website and the university has
placed an ad in The Chronicle of Higher Education print and web editions. The dean’s office has
added $500.00 to department budgets to help support your active recruiting efforts.
a. space and resource issues
Space is a finite resource on campus as we continue to grow and bring in new
faculty. Please contact Elizabeth Whirledge if you need assistance reconfiguring
office space. Some successful bull pen spaces have been created for lecturers.
6. Planning for Winter Break
The campus will re-open on January 2nd - which is a Friday. Although unusual, Intersession
begins on December 24th (for online courses) and January 2nd (for traditional courses). If
classes do not resume on that date, there are not enough days on the calendar to offer
intersession classes. Departments who wish to take the Friday as a holiday must adhere to the
following guidelines:
a) The Dean’s office will be open. You must leave notice on your website and on your
phone that on January 2nd folks can contact this office for assistance.
b) Chairs/staff who takes off January 2nd must take it as a vacation day—no “work at
home” days.
c) If your department is offering a traditional (that is face-to-face) course in intersession,
someone has to be in your department office to take phone calls and answer questions.
If you are offering an online intersession course, someone needs to be available to
answer questions online all day.
7. Classroom technology questions
A discussion was led by Associate Dean Karin Stanford and the Systems and Technology
Coordinator Chhan Mech to address some of the classroom technology concerns that have
arisen this semester. A technology issues survey will be distributed to the college to help
pinpoint the areas of concern (connectivity, equipment, etc.).
8. Development Update - Suren
Professor Ahmed Bouguarche, MCLL, has made a generous planned gift of $500,000.00 to the
university. A gift like this is all the more significant when it comes from the ranks of the
faculty. Most recently we’ve received gifts in Jewish Studies and are presently cultivating
donors in Chicana/o Studies, China Studies, and Russian Studies. A couple of reminders: please
contact Suren if any cash gifts over $500.00 are received and if any assistance is needed
generating thank you notes.
9. Chairs Issues
Scott Andrews discussed concerns about the new eTravel module.
Questions about continued ventilation issues in GWS were discussed. A recommendation was
made to stay in contact with PPM about the air quality issues.
10. Announcements
Our two student A.S. Senators (Kristen Kaz + Joshua Khabushani) are planning to organize a
National Humanities Day on campus to that coincides with the Washington, DC based event that
takes place in March. Humanities Advocacy Day was established by the National Humanities
Alliance in 2000 to increase public support for the humanities. More details to follow.
MEIS Event: Dr. Juan Cole, "How the Arab Millennial Generation is Changing the Middle
East", Oct 15th, JR 319 from 2-4pm.
The 11th Biennial Phenomenal Woman Reception and Awards Fundraiser will take place on
November 22, 2014 at 4 p.m. in the USU, Grand Salon.
11. Adjournment – 3:30pm