NRS JEOPARDY! The Adult Education Community’s Favorite Quiz Show Data Assessment Systems and Miscellaneous Tool Reporting Educational Gain Follow-up Measures $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $200 This is the number of educational functioning levels. Return to Board See Question $200 Question: What is 12? Return to Board $400 Programs measure level completion and advancement using these. Return to Board See Question $400 Question: What are standardized pre- and posttests? Return to Board $600 These are the skill areas of the educational functioning level descriptors for ABE. Return to Board See Question $600 Question: What are reading, writing, numeracy functional and workplace skills? Return to Board $800 These three things are needed to measure educational learning gains. Return to Board See Question Question: $800 What are (1) a pre-test, (2) posttest, and (3) test scores tied to NRS levels? (Minimum contact hours for posttests is also acceptable.) Return to Board $1000 These are the four ABE functioning levels. Return to Board See Question $1000 Question: What are (1) beginning literacy, (2) beginning basic education, and (3) low and (4) high intermediate basic education? Return to Board $200 These are the methods by which states collect information on followup outcomes. Return to Board See Question $200 Question: What are survey and data matching? Return to Board $400 These are the four NRS follow-up outcome measures. Return to Board See Question $400 Question: What are (1) obtain a secondary school credential, (2) obtain employment, (3) retain employment, and (4) enter postsecondary education or training? Return to Board $600 These are the only students for whom follow-up measures apply. Return to Board See Question $600 Question: What are students who set a goal at intake of achieving one or more of the follow-up outcomes? Return to Board $800 To be considered “exited” from the program, a student must have completed instruction or this. Return to Board See Question $800 Question: What is not attended for 90 consecutive days and is not scheduled for further instruction? Return to Board $1000 These are two of a state’s databases used for data matching. Return to Board See Question $1000 Question: What are unemployment insurance and GED testing databases? Return to Board $200 These are three of the items required in the state’s written assessment policy. Return to Board See Question $200 Question: What are (1) tests used to measure educational gain, (2) time that preand posttests are administered, and (3) how test scores are tied to NRS educational functioning levels? (Training provided to local test administrators is also acceptable.) Return to Board $400 When placement testing indicates that a student is functioning at one level in reading and a lower level in math, the program should place the student at this level. Return to Board See Question $400 Question: What is the lowest educational functioning level? Return to Board $600 The scores of an assessment for the NRS must be tied to this for placement. Return to Board See Question $600 Question: What are the educational functioning levels? Return to Board $800 To allow for valid preposttesting to measure educational gain, an assessment must have this feature. Return to Board See Question $800 Question: What is a different, but equivalent, form or version of the test used for initial placement? (Multiple item bank is also acceptable if the assessment is computer-adapted) Return to Board $1000 OVAE approves tests for use in the NRS through this. Return to Board See Question $1000 Question: What is an independent panel of psychometricians who review technical information submitted by test publishers? Return to Board $200 This is the number of times each year that states must report NRS data to OVAE. Return to Board See Question $200 Question: What is once a year? Return to Board $400 This is the number of tables required for NRS reporting. Return to Board See Question $400 Question: What is 10? (12 is also acceptable.) Return to Board $600 This is the type of database a program needs to meet NRS requirements. Return to Board See Question $600 Question: What is an individual student record system that is organized as a relational database? Return to Board $800 The database must allow this for analysis and reporting by subpopulations of students (e.g., age, race, gender). Return to Board See Question $800 Question: What is disaggregation? Return to Board $1000 To produce information for follow-up, the database must allow for identification of individual students by these two things. Return to Board See Question $1000 Question: What are (a) goal, and (b) exit date? (SSN is also acceptable.) Return to Board $200 This is the definitive written source of the basic requirements of the NRS measures and methods. Return to Board See Question $200 Question: What are the NRS Implementation Guidelines? Return to Board $400 This is the Web site where you can find a multitude of NRS publications and training resources. Return to Board See Question $400 Question: What is Return to Board $600 The 12-to-30 hour rule is a requirement of this optional program activity. Return to Board See Question $600 Question: What is a work-based project class? Return to Board $800 These two things are participation measures. Return to Board See Question $800 Question: What are contact hours and program enrollment type? Return to Board $1000 Status measures such as low income, displaced homemaker, and single parent, as well as presence of learning disabilities, are this. Return to Board See Question $1000 Question: What are secondary or optional measures? Return to Board Final JEOPARDY! These tables were added this year for reporting information on students in distance education classes. What are Tables 4C and 5A?