FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Thembi Jackson (510) 587-6314 NATURAL RESERVE SYSTEM HOSTS 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OAKLAND, CA (7/15/15) – It is the premier platform for ecosystem research in California. Nearly the size of Rhode Island, its 39 wildland reserves include deserts and mountaintops, coastal shorelines and conifer forests, oak woodlands and even vernal pools. Protected for research and study, these landscapes are laboratories for groundbreaking studies of island habitat restoration, high altitude medicine, bird behavior, endangered species conservation, supernova explosions, and much more. This remarkable library of ecosystems is the University of California Natural Reserve System (NRS). Spread across a north-south distance of 600 miles, and an east-west distance of 300 miles, the NRS is large enough to register trends in temperature, shifts in rainfall, runoff across watersheds, the migratory paths of birds, and range changes for entire species. Because reserves are located at different altitudes, harbor different ecosystems, and have records of species and climate going back many years, the NRS offers an ideal base for comprehensive, long-term ecological studies. Recognizing this unique capacity, UC President Janet Napolitano recently awarded $1.9 million for an NRS-based climate change institute investigating ecosystem responses to climate change. Now, after 50 years of educating students, training future scientists, and answering questions about the earth, the NRS is holding an anniversary celebration. The UC Natural Reserve System Fair will feature experts and research from across the reserve system. Join UC faculty, students, and staff to witness a wireless weather station node in action; see the HOLOS Ecoinformatics Engine map environmental data such as species ranges and vegetation types; learn what elephant seals are teaching us about the ocean; and much more. Enjoy music, food, and prizes while learning about the world’s largest university-administered reserve system. The event is free and open to the public. Come to the fair, and help launch the NRS into another fruitful 50 years. Details: Tuesday, August 11 2015 11:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. 5th Floor Terrace 1111 Franklin St. Oakland. UC Office of the President RSVP is required for building access; contact Webpage: