
7 Grade Social Studies
Mexico & U.S. History from the Revolution to Reconstruction
Class 68— Election of 1800 and Intro to Jefferson
December 8, 2014
Focus: Read the following statement from Alexander Hamilton and then answer the questions. “As a politician
discerning men of both parties admit that he has but one principle—to get power by any means and to keep it by all
 Who is Hamilton talking about?
 Why do you think Hamilton fears this man coming to power in America?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Objectives:
1. I will analyze the election of 1800.
2. I will identify the many attributes of Thomas Jefferson.
3. I will reenact a small scene from Jefferson’s past in order to analyze the dating scene of the late 1700s.
4. I will perform a small part of the Jefferson Litany in order to recall the many attributes of our third president.
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 1 pgs. 269-270 start @ Marbury v Madison (Due 12/9)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 2 pgs. 272-277 (Due 12/10)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 278-280 stop @ Conflict in the West (Due 1/5)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 280-282 start @ Conflict in the West & stop @ Call for War (Due 1/6)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 282-283 start @ Call for War (Due 1/7)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 284-286 stop @ G.B. on the Offensive (Due 1/8)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 286-287 start @ G. B. on the Offensive (Due 1/9)
-Chapter 8 Test Wednesday 1/14
-Current Events due 12/15
Jefferson Litany
I. Election of 1800-a tie?
II. Dating
A. Martha and Thomas
III. Attributes of Jefferson
IV. Litany introduction
Key terms/ideas/ people/places:
Thomas Jefferson
Martha Jefferson
Sally Heming
Aaron Burr
Thomas Pinckney
By the end of class today, I will be able to answer the following:
How did Thomas Jefferson win the election of 1800?
Where was Jefferson from?
When did Jefferson serve as President?
What are 2 things Jefferson contributed to American life?
John Adams
Class 68— Election of 1800 and Intro to Jefferson
December 8, 2014
Election of 1800:
 Federalists
o John Adams-P
o Thomas Pinckney
 Democratic-Republicans
o Thomas Jefferson-VP
o Aaron Burr
 12th Amendment will come into effect thanks to the election of 1796 and 1800
 Tie b/t Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson
o Tie-breaker goes to the House of Representatives-Jefferson wins
Thomas Jefferson:
 Virginia
 Author of the Declaration of Independence
 First Secretary of State
 Vice-President under John Adams
 Author of Kentucky Resolutions
 Sally Hemmings controversy
7 Grade Social Studies
Mexico & U.S. History from the Revolution to Reconstruction
Class 69— Jeffersonian Politics & Marbury vs. Madison
December 9, 2014
Focus: What precedent was set in the case Marbury v. Madison? Do you feel this precedent gives the Supreme Court
more power than Congress and the President? Think about what it means to have the power to declare laws
“Constitutional” or “Unconstitutional.”
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Objectives:
1. I will interpret Jefferson’s economic policy.
2. I will identify Jefferson’s views on the power of government.
3. I will interpret the Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison.
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 2 pgs. 272-277 (Due 12/10)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 278-280 stop @ Conflict in the West (Due 1/5)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 280-282 start @ Conflict in the West & stop @ Call for War (Due 1/6)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 282-283 start @ Call for War (Due 1/7)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 284-286 stop @ G.B. on the Offensive (Due 1/8)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 286-287 start @ G. B. on the Offensive (Due 1/9)
-Chapter 8 Test Wednesday 1/14
-Current Events due 12/15
I. Laissez Faire
II. Jeffersonian views of power
III. Marbury vs. Madison
Key terms/ideas/ people/places:
Laissez Faire
James Madison
William Marbury
John Marshall
By the end of class today, I will be able to answer the following:
How did Thomas Jefferson view government power?
Who created judicial review?
When was the court case Marbury vs. Madison?
What precedent did the Supreme Court case Marbury vs. Madison establish?
Judicial Review
Class 69— Jeffersonian Politics & Marbury vs. Madison
December 9, 2014
Jefferson’s ideas about government:
 he wanted to protect and expand the rights of the ordinary citizens
 make government more democratic
 favors yeoman farmer
 laissez faire economy-“let alone”
Jefferson wanted to limit governmental power:
 Decrease size of government departments
 Cut spending
 Reduce size of army and navy
 Repeal whiskey tax
 Let the Alien and Sedition acts expire
Marbury v. Madison
 Chief Justice John Marshall (Federalist)
 Establishes the precedent of judicial review-Supreme Court declares laws constitutional or unconstitutional
7 Grade Social Studies
Mexico & U.S. History from the Revolution to Reconstruction
Class 70— Lewis and Clark Expedition
December 10, 2014
Focus: Explain the following quote from Thomas Jefferson: American citizens who were “separated by nature and a
wide ocean from the exterminating havoc of one quarter of the globe” and had the good fortune to possess “a chosen
country, with room enough for our descendants to the hundredth and thousandth generation.”
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Objectives:
1. I will recognize Jefferson’s purchasing of the Louisiana Territory as doubling the size of the
United States territory.
2. I will identify Lewis and Clark as the travelers assigned the task of exploring the new territory
of Louisiana.
3. I will recognize the ways in which Sacajawea (Suh (as in supper) - cog - uh - wee –uh)
helped Lewis and Clark on their exploration of the Louisiana Territory.
4. I will recognize Zebulon Pike’s contributions to the exploration of the Louisiana Territory.
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 278-280 stop @ Conflict in the West (Due 1/5)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 280-282 start @ Conflict in the West & stop @ Call for War (Due 1/6)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 282-283 start @ Call for War (Due 1/7)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 284-286 stop @ G.B. on the Offensive (Due 1/8)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 286-287 start @ G. B. on the Offensive (Due 1/9)
-Chapter 8 Test Wednesday 1/14
-Current Events due 12/15
I. Louisiana Purchase
II. Core of Discovery
A. Meriwether Lewis
B. William Clark
C. Sacajawea
III. Zebulon Pike
Key terms/ideas/ people/places:
New Orleans
Louisiana Purchase Meriwether Lewis
Core of Discovery
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
William Clark
Robert Livingston
James Monroe
Zebulon Pike
By the end of class today, I will be able to answer the following:
How did Thomas Jefferson get around his strict interpretation views in order to buy the Louisiana Territory?
Who led the Core of Discovery?
What Native American woman helped the Core of Discovery?
When was the Louisiana Purchase?
What did the U.S. pay for the Louisiana Territory?
Class 70— Lewis and Clark Expedition
December 10, 2014
Louisiana Purchase:
 Spain closes New Orleans
o Jefferson sends Robert Livingston and James Monroe to buy New Orleans for $10 million
o Talleyrand and Napoleon offer to sell the Louisiana Territory for $15 million
o Doubles the size of the U.S.
Core of Discovery:
 Led by Lewis and Clark
o Mission
 Map route to Pacific Ocean
 Study climate, wildlife, and mineral resources
 Learn about the Indians
o Sacajawea (Suh (as in supper) - cog - uh - wee –uh)
 translator
 guide
 gathered wild vegetables
 told the men where to hunt and fish
Zebulon Pike:
 Explores the Southwest
 Captured by the Spanish
 Pike’s Peak
7 Grade Social Studies
Mexico & U.S. History from the Revolution to Reconstruction
Class 71— Intro to Primary/Secondary Sources & PSSA Changes
December 11, 2014
Focus: What is the difference between a primary and secondary source? Why do historians use both?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Objectives:
1. I will differentiate between primary and secondary sources.
2. I will analyze an example PSSA writing reading and writing prompt.
3. I will analyze a DBQ (Document Based Question).
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 278-280 stop @ Conflict in the West (Due 1/5)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 280-282 start @ Conflict in the West & stop @ Call for War (Due 1/6)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 282-283 start @ Call for War (Due 1/7)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 284-286 stop @ G.B. on the Offensive (Due 1/8)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 286-287 start @ G. B. on the Offensive (Due 1/9)
-Chapter 8 Test Wednesday 1/14
-Current Events due 12/15
I. Primary vs. Secondary Sources
II. PSSA Changes
III. Introduction to DBQ
Key terms/ideas/ people/places:
Primary Source
Secondary Source
By the end of class today, I will be able to answer the following:
What is a primary source?
What is a secondary source?
What is a DBQ?
How have the PSSA’s changed?
Document Based Question
Class 71— Intro to Primary/Secondary Sources & PSSA Changes
December 11, 2014
Primary sources are materials directly related to a topic by time or participation. These materials include letters,
speeches, diaries, newspaper articles from the time, oral history interviews, documents, photographs, artifacts, or
anything else that provides first-hand accounts about a person or event.
Secondary sources are works of synthesis and interpretation based upon primary sources and the work of other authors.
They may take a variety of forms. The authors of secondary sources develop their interpretations and narratives of events
based on primary sources, that is, documents and other evidence created by participants or eyewitnesses. Frequently,
they also take advantage of the work of other historians by using other secondary sources. For example, the author of the
history textbook which you use in school probably did not use too many primary sources. Instead, textbook authors
usually rely on secondary sources written by other historians. Given the wide range of topics covered by a typical
textbook, textbook authors could not possibly find and use all the relevant primary sources themselves.
7 Grade Social Studies
Mexico & U.S. History from the Revolution to Reconstruction
Class 72— Intro to Meriwether Lewis Essay
December 12, 2014
Focus: Pick up the packet and two different colored pencils. Read the front page of the packet carefully.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Objectives:
1. I will read primary and secondary sources pertaining to the death of Meriwether Lewis.
2. I will create a T-Chart in order to organize my evidence.
-Read and find evidence from the source Gilbert Russel to Thomas Jefferson-January 4, 1810
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 278-280 stop @ Conflict in the West (Due 1/5)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 280-282 start @ Conflict in the West & stop @ Call for War (Due 1/6)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 3 pgs. 282-283 start @ Call for War (Due 1/7)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 284-286 stop @ G.B. on the Offensive (Due 1/8)
- Read and outline Chapter 8, Section 4 pgs. 286-287 start @ G. B. on the Offensive (Due 1/9)
-Chapter 8 Test Wednesday 1/14
-Current Events due 12/15
Meriwether Lewis Packet
I. Intro to Lewis Essay
Key terms/ideas/ people/places:
Meriwether Lewis
Grinder’s Stand
Priscilla Grinder
By the end of class today, I will be able to answer the following:
What do you think happened to Lewis? Give a piece of evidence that supports your idea.