Course Syllabus and Classroom Management Plan

Course Syllabus and Classroom Management Plan
SY 2013-2014
Course Description(s)
A. Topics:
1. JROTC 2-
Science of Flight:
2. JROTC 3-
Drill & Ceremony:
Exploration of Space:
3. JROTC 4-
Drill & Ceremony:
Ground School:
Drill & Ceremony:
1st Quarter-Aerodynamics, Flight Control, Weather
3rd Quarter- Physiology, and Navigation
2nd Quarter-Personal Traits, Communications, Group Dynamics
4th Quarter-Conflict Resolution, Leadership Models
All Quarters-Basic Regulation Drill, Armed and Unarmed
All Quarters-Physical Conditioning, Team Activities
1st Quarter-Astronomy
3rd Quarter-Technology in Space, Ballistic Missiles
2nd Quarter-Life Skills, Career Opportunities
4th Quarter-College and Job Applications
All Quarters-Advanced Exhibition Drill, Armed and Unarmed
All Quarters-Physical Conditioning, Team Activities
1st Quarter-Pilot Training, Physiology, Instruments, ATC
3rd Quarter-Weather, Navigation, Cross-Country Flights
2nd Quarter-Management Theory, Unit Management
4th Quarter-Planning, Decision-Making, Organizing, Leading
All Quarters-Advanced Parade Drill, Armed and Unarmed
All Quarters-Physical Conditioning, Team Activities
B. Standards and Benchmarks:
JROTC is not covered under HCPS III. JROTC adheres to GLO’s 1 thru 6 and augments HCPS III
standards of Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Guidance, Mathematics, Language Arts, Fine
Arts, and Leadership.
C. Skills To Be Addressed:
JROTC 2- Students will demonstrate understanding of how to control a simulated aircraft, how
to create a flight plan including timing, how navigate while in simulated flight, to recognize and avoid
hazardous weather, and how the human body responds to the flight environment. Culminating activity
will be a simulated cross country flight.
JROTC 3- Students will demonstrate knowledge of astronomy, understanding movements of the
planets, composition of stars and other phenomenon. Additionally, students will demonstrate
knowledge of the latest technology used in space exploration. Culminating activity will be to plan a
mission to Mars.
JROTC 4- Students will demonstrate knowledge of aircraft systems, ground and tower
procedures, air navigation and flight planning. Culmination activity will be to take a ground school
examination similar to those used by the FAA.
Instructional Delivery Plan
JROTC uses a variety of methods both traditional and non-conventional. Group learning, Handson learning, Simulations, and field trips will be employed in order to give each student a variety of
learning opportunities. JROTC adheres to DOE directives in terms of instructional techniques and
strategies. Cadets need assistance have only to ask and extra instruction and or tutors will be provided.
Homework will be used on occasion to reinforce or delve deeper into a subject. However, most learning
will be done through classroom activities. Therefore, it is essential for cadets to attend class regularly.
Students unable to attend class will be accommodated on a case by case basis.
Assessment/Evaluation Plan
Grading will be done in three parts, academics, athletics, and leadership. Academics include the
subjects of Science of Flight, Exploration of Space, Ground School, and Aviation History. Athletics is
based on participation on Physical Training days and the Physical Fitness Test. Leadership is based on
leadership instruction, uniform wear, service hours, and activity participation.
Academics = 40%
Athletics= 20%
Grading Scale:
Classroom Management Plan
Classes are conducted according Aiea High School guidelines and DOE Chapter 19. Additionally,
cadets are expected to follow military customs and courtesies according the US Air Force. Cadets must
be punctual, alert and ready to learn/participate in class. Each student will have a 3 ring notebook, pen
or pencil, and paper. Other materials will be provided. Other rules and procedures may be found in the
cadet guide. All equipment, both parade and field will be used only with the approval of the instructor.
Cadets will work in pairs when in the field. Cadets will remain clear of storage areas except when
accompanied by the instructor.