Grammar Raps Students, in teams of 3-5, will create original rap compositions within specified guidelines and perform their piece for the class. Students will have to include each of the words listed below in their rap, by giving a definition (or rules about how to use their words) and an example. Each Rap or Song has to be at least two versus and have a chorus. Each group must turn in their lyrics in a clean presentation (you must have pictures). Students may choose background music of their choice, but must have the instrumental version. Background music not required for Presentation Day. Topics for the Rap or Song: Group One: Parts of Speech (All Eight) Group Two: Word Functions: Subject, Predicate (verb), Predicate Nominative, Predicate Adjective, & Infinitive Group Three: Word Functions: Direct Object, Indirect Object, Object of a Preposition, Adjective Phrase, & Adverb Phrase Group Four: Participle, Subordinating Conjunction, Pronoun, Prepositions, & Dependent Clause Group Five: Punctuation- Commas, Periods, Apostrophes, Colons, Semicolons, Underlining/Italics, & Quotation Marks Group Six: Run-ons, Fragments, & Capitalization Names: Date Due: Rap Rubric Requirement Points Possible Points Earned Neatness/Organization: The appearance of the song is neat and attractive; and the song is organized according to guidelines. 10 points Verses: There needs to be at least two versus 10 points Content: Each term must be explained in the rap/song, with a definition and an 50 points example. Chorus: 10 points Each rap must contain a chorus that goes along with your words/topic. Presentation: 20 points Students will present their rap or song either in front of the class, or through a pre-recorded video. Students must take their presentation seriously and all members should participate. If students choose to make a video they need to test their technology the day before they present. FINAL GRADE: _____/100 points