Bond Prices and Yields Part 2 Yield Curve • A curve can be developed that shows various annualized yields-to-maturity, y, against times-to-maturity, T, for bonds from the same issuing entity or from issuing entities with the same risk y 0 T 2 Current US Treasury Yield Curve 3 Bond Credit Rating From Investopedia interest coverage ratio = EBIT interest expense 4 Yield Curve • A corporate bond, say a AA rated bond, might have the following yield curve AA Corporate Bond Yield Curve risk premium or credit spread y U.S. Treasury Debt Yield Curve 0 T 5 Zero Coupon Yield Curve • An especially useful version of the yield curve plots zero coupon bond yields against times-to-maturity • A zero coupon yield curve depicts pure interest rates with no ambiguity due to coupon reinvestment risk • These curves are not observable since no bonds with time to maturity greater than one year are issued, but can be constructed from coupon bond yield curves 6 Liquidity Risk • Liquidity risk results from a bond issue having few buyers and sellers o The issue is ‘illiquid’ or not ‘liquid’ • Older U.S. Treasuries (referred to as ‘off the run’) can trade with a liquidity rate premium compared with newer issued U.S. Treasuries (referred to as ‘on the run’) y = f(risk free time value of money, credit risk, liquidity risk) 7 Price – Yield Curve F=$1000 c=7% semiannual T=4.5 yrs Each (p,y) point results from a DCF m×N P=å i=1 CFi æ yö ç1+ ÷ è mø i Illustrates how price changes as yield-to-maturity changes for a particular bond ( c, m, N, and F are constant) 8 Homework 13 • Plot the price – yield curve for the following bond o o o o o Par value: $100 c = 3% m=2 N = 5, T = 5.0 Plot P for yields, y, varying from .5% to 6.0% • Chose a y increment that results in a smooth curve • Submit a knitr pdf with echoed code, plot, and markdown descriptions 9 Determine the Fair Price of a Bond • In this case c, N, m and the zero coupon yield curve, zi, are known m×N • Compute the fair value, P CFi P=å ti (1+z ) i i=1 CFi Cash flow diagram ti for bond cash flows P Zero coupon bond yield curve zi 0 Ti for zero coupon bonds 10 Determine the Fair Price of a Bond F=$1000 c=7% semiannual T=4.5 yrs With the following zero coupon yield curve 11 Homework 14 • Calculate the fair price of the bond from the previous slide • Print a table with cash flows, discount factors, and discounted cash flows • Submit a knitr pdf with echoed code, discount factor plot, and markdown descriptions 12 Amortizing Bond or Loan • • Bond principal is repaid periodically, not all at maturity Examples are home and automobile loans - amortizing loan • Given the nominal annual interest rate, r, m, P, and N, what is the monthly payment, C? mN C C : monthly payment P= i æ ö r o Includes principal repayment and interest i=1 1+ ç ÷ N : number of years è mø m : number of compounding periods per year (12 for home and auto loans) r : nominal fixed interest rate for the loan P : loan principal (the mortgage amount) Solve for C using Excel Goal Seek, R uniroot, … o Find the value of C that equates the left and right hand sides • • • • • • å 13 Amortizing Bond F C F 14 Homework 15 • You wish to borrow $300,000 at 6.5% annual fixed with monthly payments for 30 years • What is your monthly payment? • What is your total payout over 30 years? • How much total interest will you pay? • Submit a knitr pdf with echoed code and detailed markdown descriptions 15 Formulas • Annuity o An annuity is a finite sequence of fixed payments, C. If the nominal yield is y, then the present value, P, is æ ö ç ÷ 1 1 ÷ P=C × ç mN ç æ y ö æ y öæ y ö ÷ ç çè m ÷ø ç ÷ç1+ ÷ ÷ è m øè m ø ø è o The formula can be rearranged to compute the fixed payment, C, if the present value, P, is known æ æ y öæ y öm×N ö ç P × ç ÷ç1+ ÷ ÷ è m øè m ø ÷ C= ç ç æ y öm×N ÷ ç ç1+ ÷ -1 ÷ è è mø ø 16 Formulas • Annuity Example o Home mortgage example • $300,000 loan at 6.5% fixed rate compounded monthly for 30 years æ æ y öæ y öm×N ö ç P × ç ÷ç1+ ÷ ÷ è m øè m ø ÷ C= ç ç æ y öm×N ÷ 1+ -1 ÷ ç ç ÷ è è mø ø æ $300,000 × 0.542% × (1+0.542%)360 ö C= ç ÷ =$1896.20 (1+0.542%)360 -1 è ø 17 Formulas • Bonds o Annuity for coupon payment plus the discounted par value æ ö ç ÷ 1 1 F ÷+ P=C × ç ç æ y ö æ y öæ y öm×N ÷ æ y öm×N ç çè m ÷ø ç ÷ç1+ ÷ ÷ ç1+ ÷ è m øè m ø ø è m ø è o Example: F=$1000, c=7% semi-annual, T=4.5 yrs, y (annual nominal yield) = 8% æ ö ç ÷ 1 1 ÷ + $1000 =$962.82 P=$35× ç ç æ 8% ö æ 8% öæ 8% ö9 ÷ æ 8% ö9 ÷ ÷ ç1+ ÷ ç çè 2 ÷ø ç ÷ç1+ è ø è ø è ø 2 2 2 è ø 18 Formulas • Bonds o Bond with fractional initial period previous coupon next coupon F+C C d-e=139 e=227 6/30/15 F = $1000 c = 5% C= $50 y = 6% e = 227 days d = 366 days N, M = 6 m =1 6/30/16 6/30/17 6/30/18 6/30/19 6/30/20 6/30/21 Now 11/16/201 5 ö é æ ùæ ö ÷ ê ç úç ÷ ÷ 1 1 F 1 úç ÷+ P= êC × ç1+ e ÷ ê ç æ y ö æ y ö æ y öM-1 ÷ æ y öM-1 úç d æ ö ê ç çè ÷ø ç ÷ × ç1+ ÷ ÷ ç1+ ÷ úçç ç1+ y ÷ ÷÷ m èmø è mø ø è mø û ë è èè m ø ø M = N × m (number of periods) 19 Formulas • Bond with fractional initial period previous coupon next coupon F+C C d-e=139 e=227 6/30/15 6/30/16 Now 11/16/201 5 F = $1000 c = 5% C= $50 y = 6% e = 227 days d = 366 days N, M = 6 m =1 6/30/17 6/30/18 6/30/19 6/30/20 6/30/21 ö é æ ùæ ö 1 1 F 1 ÷ úç ÷+ P= êC × çç1+ N-1 ÷ N-1 ç e ÷ êë è y y × (1+y) ø (1+y) úûç 1+y d ÷ ) ø è( é æ ö 1000 ùæ 1 ö 1 1 ÷ úç ÷+ P= ê50 × çç1+ 5÷ 5 ç 227 ÷ êë è .05 .05× (1+.05) ø (1+.05) úûç 1+y 366 ÷ ) ø è( P= [ 260.62+747.26] × (.9645) P=972.10 20 Formulas • Bond with fractional initial period previous coupon next coupon F+C C d-e=139 e=227 6/30/15 6/30/16 6/30/17 6/30/18 6/30/19 6/30/20 6/30/21 Now 11/16/201 5 F = $1000 c = 5% C= $50 y = 6% e = 227 days d = 366 days N, M = 6 m =1 21