1 9/19 Volcanoes and Earthquakes M Tu W Th F Volcanoes Watch the Volcano 101 video. Go to BrainPop ->Science -> Earth System -> Volcanoes. Take time to look through volcanoes Online. Look at the databases and share information about one of the volcanoes. Make sure to identify what type of volcano it is. Explore the Dynamic Earth website. Go to Plate tectonics & volcanoes -> volcanoes & hotspots (explore) bottom GeoGallery -> Volcanoes Look at the volcano diagrams. You may want to print them out. Browse through Volcano Stories Try at least one lab. o Design a volcano and watch it erupt o Model volcano using yeast o Make an underwater volcano lab o Geoblox Start the activity Exploring the Environment – Volcanoes. Turn in you Exploring the Environment – Volcanoes activity Go to BrainPop -> Science -> Earth System -> Earthquake. Watch the Earthquake video. Look at Recent Earthquake Activity. Play with Virtual Earthquakes. Watch Earthquake Geyser. Look through the Earthquake stories. Complete the Earthquake Intensity worksheet and one of the Seismograph Labs. Watch the Tsunami 101 video and look at Tsumani monster waves to find out how they work. Complete the Tsunami Lab to make your own Tsunami and browse through Tsunami stories. Look at the pictures of the Tsunami in Japan. Take the unit test It is timed for 2 hours which should be plenty of time. You can’t stop and save so make sure you have plenty of time. Have your study guides handy but you won’t have time to look up each answer so study first. Email if you have questions. Study Guide SES2. Students will understand how plate tectonics creates certain geologic features, materials, and hazards. a. Distinguish among types of plate tectonic settings produced by plates diverging, converging, and sliding past each other. b. Relate modern and ancient geologic features to each kind of plate tectonic setting. c. Relate certain geologic hazards to specific plate tectonic settings. e. Explain how plate tectonics creates and destroys sedimentary basins through time. Week 6 - iAchieve HS Earth Systems zjohnston2@forsyth.k12.ga.us 2 Tectonic Plates Volcanoes Label the Volcano Diagram Define these words ash cloud crater lava flow pipe (conduit) – side vent crust magma chamber - Week 6 - iAchieve HS Earth Systems zjohnston2@forsyth.k12.ga.us 3 Fill out the chart. Type Fissure Volcano Shield Volcano Dome Volcano Ash-cinder Volcano Composite Volcano Calandra Volcano Drawing Description What are the three stages of a volcano’s life? Define. 1. 2. 3. What is the Ring of Fire? Week 6 - iAchieve HS Earth Systems zjohnston2@forsyth.k12.ga.us 4 What is a geyser? What is the difference between a quiet eruption and an explosive eruption? What happens when a volcano erupts underwater? Define subduction. Define viscous. Week 6 - iAchieve HS Earth Systems zjohnston2@forsyth.k12.ga.us 5 Earthquakes Earthquakes are shocks caused by moving plates. The shock waves are produced from a stress point deep beneath the earth’s surface and become less intense the further they travel. What do you notice about the locations of these earthquakes? What is the difference between a tsunami and an earthquake? List ways to prepare for an earthquake: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Week 6 - iAchieve HS Earth Systems zjohnston2@forsyth.k12.ga.us 6 Define these words: (words and/or drawings) Epicenter- Seismograph- Fault – normal fault – reverse fault – strike-slip fault – Shock Waves – P waves – S waves – Surface waves (longitudinal) – Liquefaction – Aftershock – Tsunami - Week 6 - iAchieve HS Earth Systems zjohnston2@forsyth.k12.ga.us 7 Week 6 - iAchieve HS Earth Systems zjohnston2@forsyth.k12.ga.us