Earthquake Volcano Project Part 1: You and a partner will need to research information about earthquakes and volcanoes. For the earthquakes, four major earthquakes have already been assigned as a requirement. You and your partner will choose the remaining earthquakes- two per decade. All volcanoes have been assigned with the exception of the volcanoes in Iceland and East African Rift Valley. You will need to select one volcano from each region that has erupted since 1900. Create a data table of the information in Excel so that a graph can be easily constructed electronically. Earthquakes beginning in 1960 (2 from each decade): Decade Earthquake #1 Earthquake #2 1960-1969 Chile (1960) Alaska (1964) 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2009 Sumatra (2004) 2010-present Japan (2011) Volcanoes Mauna Loa Kilauea Sierra Negra Mt. St. Helens Pinatubo Pelee Nevada del Ruiz Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Paricutin Cerro Negro Recent Volcanic Eruption in Iceland Recent Volcanic Eruption in East African Rift Valley Information to be Included in EQ Data Table: Information to be Included in Volcano Data Table: Magnitude Depth of focus Destruction Deaths Location (latitude and longitude of epicenter) Misc. (tsunami, population density) Type of Plate Boundary and plates involved Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) Destruction Deaths Number of eruptions since 1900 Type of volcano Location (latitude and longitude) Type of Plate Boundary and plates involved Misc. (pyroclastic flows, lahars, population density)