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Seaside’s Coming Events
Sermon Series: 1 Peter
Message #14
Seaside Community Church
January 4, 2015
Growth Group Start This Week
The next session starts the week of January 4th
Growth Groups are a vital part of Seaside. They provide an opportunity for
us to grow closer to God and to each other. If you are not in a growth
group already we strongly encourage you to sign up today outside at the
tables. You can also email us at sam@seasidehb.org
1 PETER 4:1-6
Life with Jesus
 We live with a new and different mind set
1 Peter 4:1; Matthew 4:1-11; Hebrews 12:4
Financial Coaching
Seaside has 12 trained financial coaches that are available at no charge for
you. If you are interested in a coaching session that will cover budgeting
please fill out a connection card or email us at seasideFLE@gmail.com
The principle of delayed gratification
 We live with a new and different master
Screening of Documentary “Irreplaceable”
The Seaside Marriage team invites you to a special screening of the
documentary “Irreplaceable”. Friday February 6th 7-9:30 pm at the
Huntington Beach Public Library Theater. $15 a couple includes the
movie, snacks and beverage. This will be a wonderful chance to invite
family and friends. Sign up at the table or email us at
marriage@seasidehb.org check out this link for more info on the movie:
1 Peter 4:2-3; Romans 6:11-14; 7:7-25; 13:14
 We live with a new and different lifestyle
1 Peter 4:3-4
Refreshing Your Marriage
March 13th-14th
Join seaside couples at Refreshing Your Marriage Conference. The
Refreshing Your Marriage conference offers you a yearly tune-up for your
relationship. Whether you require a major overhaul, some minor
adjustments or just some healthy tune-ups, RYM offers something for
every stage of your relationship. At Azusa Pacific University
We will be noticeable
We will be misunderstood
We will be targets
Seaside Finances
Weekly Need
Received Last Week
Monthly Need
Received in Dec.
 We live with a new and different purpose
1 Peter 4:5-6; Hebrews 9:27
seaside@seasidehb.org - 714 536.3391
Notes and audio available as a podcast at www.seasidehb.org
Growth Group Discussion
For the week of January 4, 2015
3. In verse 1, Peter links our suffering with the fact that Jesus suffered.
Read John 15:18-25. Are Christians hated in Huntington Beach? What are
your thoughts on this?
Share a holiday highlight from the past few weeks.
What point from this Sunday’s message and Bible verses caught your
attention or challenged you?
1. Most people spend their lives pursuing happiness and avoiding pain.
Does this conflict with the teaching in 1 Peter 4:1-2? How?
4. We typically don’t know many people with such extreme behavior as in
verse 3. What are some more common desires and activities that Peter
would oppose? Have you been criticized for not participating in any of
2. How does suffering for the gospel help us put sin and selfishness behind
us? Can this happen without suffering?
5. God’s final judgment is mentioned in verse 5. Read Matthew 25:31-32,
Jude 14-15 and Revelation 20:12. Discuss the mix of judgment and love
(see John 14:23 and 15:9-10) in motivating a Christian’s behavior.