Lab 8 - Lab Exam 1 A&P I Review Sheet for Lab Exam 1 Terminology and Organ Identification Figures 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, Locate on human torso model: brain descending aorta esophagus heart inferior vena cava kidneys large intestine liver lungs small intestine stomach superior vena cava trachea urinary bladder Tissues Be able to identify the following tissue types on prepared slides. You may use your dichotomous key for this section. simple squamous epithelium stratified squamous epithelium stratified cuboidal epithelium simple cuboidal epithelium simple columnar epithelium pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium areolar connective tissue dense fibrous regular connective tissue (white fibrous tissue), dense fibrous irregular connective tissue adipose tissue hyaline cartilage bone skeletal muscle smooth muscle cardiac muscle. Be able to give distinguishing characteristics of tissues. (Study your concept map for this. There is also information in the text.) Integumentary System Be able to identify on lab manual Figures 7.1 and 7. 2, or the model (if applicable): stratum corneum stratum lucidum stratum granulosum stratum spinosum stratum basale dermal papillae papillary layer reticular layer sebaceous gland eccrine sweat gland apocrine sweat gland hair shaft hair follicle hair root epidermis dermis hypodermis Be able to identify on prepared slides: stratum stratum corneum spinosum stratum stratum basale lucidum dermal papillae stratum hypodermis granulosum sebaceous gland sweat gland hair follicle hair root epidermis in general dermis in general Know tissue types of epidermis and dermis. Be able to distinguish between skin of palm and skin of scalp. Covering Membranes F. 8.1. Recognize and distinguish among cutaneous, serous and mucous membranes. Bone Structure and Cartilage Text Figures 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 Figure of Skeleton from Outline Explain what happens when bones are acid-treated, and baked. compact bone Recognize a baked and an acid-treated bone. Identify on sawed bone: spongy bone yellow marrow site of red marrow periosteum articular cartilage Identify on bone slide or model. central (Haversian) canal lacuna lamella canaliculi osteon Axial Skeleton Identify the following bones and bone markings of the skull: carotid canal coronal suture coronoid process cribriform plates crista galli ethmoid bone external acoustic meatus foramen magnum frontal bone hyoid (below skull) inferior nasal conchae internal acoustic meatus jugular foramen lacrimal bones lambdoid suture mandible mandibular angle mandibular condyle mastoid process maxillae nasal bones occipital bone occipital condyles optic canal palatine bones palatine processes parietal bones perpendicular plate sagittal suture sella turcica sphenoid bone squamous suture temporal bones vomer zygomatic bone zygomatic process mandibular fossa Identify the following bones and bone markings of the vertebral column: atlas axis body of vertebra cervical curvature coccyx inferior articular processes intervertebral foramina lumbar curvature sacral curvature sacrum spinous process superior articular processes thoracic curvature vertebra vertebral arch vertebral foramen Distinguish cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Identify the following bones and bone markings of the thorax: body of the sternum costal cartilages head of rib manubrium neck of rib tubercle of rib vertebral ribs vertebrochondral ribs vertebrosternal ribs xiphoid process shaft of rib Appendicular Skeleton Identify the following bones and bone markings of the shoulder girdle and upper extremity: acromion capitulum carpals as a group clavicle coracoid process coronoid fossa coronoid process deltoid tuberosity glenoid cavity greater tubercle humerus lateral or axillary border radius scapula lesser tubercle metacarpals as a group styloid process of radius olecranon fossa superior border radial tuberosity medial or vertebral border olecranon process phalanges as a group spine styloid process of ulna trochlea trochlear notch ulna Identify the following bones and bone markings of the pelvic girdle and lower extremity: acetabulum anterior superior iliac spine calcaneus coxal bone (os coxae) false pelvis femur fibula greater sciatic notch greater trochanter head of femur iliac crest ilium ischial tuberosity ischium lateral condyle of the tibia lateral epicondyle lateral condyle of the femur lateral malleolus lesser sciatic notch lesser trochanter linea aspera metatarsals as a group medial condyle of the femur obturator foramen medial condyle of the tibia posterior superior iliac spines pubic symphysis medial epicondyle medial malleolus phalanges as a group Distinguish between a female and male pelvis. Know the bones of the orbit facial bones bones of the cranium bones of the calvarium or cranial vault. pubis talus tarsals as a group tibia true pelvis