71. Analyze causes and effects of significant issues such as immigration (quotas), the Red Scare (Sacco
and Vanzetti), Prohibition (the 18th amendment and the Volstead Act), and the changing role of women
(flappers). (TEKS US 5A) (TAKS 1)
72. Analyze the impact of significant individuals such as Clarence Darrow, William Jennings Bryan,
Henry Ford, and Charles A. Lindbergh (John Scopes). (TEKS US 5B) (TAKS 1)
73. Analyze the effects of changing demographic patterns resulting from migration within the United
States (the First Great Migration). (TEKS US 10A) (TAKS 2)
74. Identify and analyze methods of expanding the right to participate in the democratic process, including
lobbying, protesting, court decisions, and amendments to the United States Constitution
(Scottsboro case). (TEKS US 18A)
75. Evaluate various means of achieving equality of political rights, including the 19th Amendment
(protest marches and rallies). (TEKS US 18B) (TAKS 4)
76. Evaluate the effects of political incidents such as the Teapot Dome on the views of U.S. citizens
concerning the role of the federal government. (TEKS US 15C)
77. Describe qualities of effective leadership (Calvin Coolidge, Warren G. Harding, and Herbert Hoover).
78. Analyze causes of economic growth and prosperity in the 1920s. (automobile industry, mass
production of consumer goods, advertising, and installment plans). (TEKS US 13A) (TAKS 3)
79. Describe how the characteristics and issues of various eras in U.S. history have been reflected in works of art, music,
and literature such as the paintings of Georgia O'Keefe. (TEKS US 20A)
80. Describe the impact of significant examples of cultural movements in art, music, and literature on
American society, including the Harlem Renaissance (Langston Hughes, Jazz Age, Louis
Armstrong, and Duke Ellington). (TEKS US 20B)
81. Identify examples of American art, music, and literature that transcend American culture and convey
universal themes (F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and William Faulkner). (TEKS US 20C)
82. Analyze the relationship between culture and economy and identify examples such as the impact of the
entertainment industry on the U.S. economy (talking movies, sports, and advertising).
83. Analyze causes of the Great Depression, including the decline in worldwide trade (high tariffs), the
stock market crash, and bank failures (Dust Bowl). (TEKS US 13B) (TAKS 3)
84. Analyze the effects of physical and human geographic factors on major events. (Dust Bowl).
85. Analyze the effects of the Great Depression on the U.S. economy and government. (TEKS US 13C)
(TAKS 3)
86. Describe how the characteristics and issues of various eras in U.S. history have been reflected in works
of art, music, and literature such as John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath. (TEKS US 20A)
87. Analyze how various New Deal agencies and programs such as the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation, [the Securities and Exchange Commission], and Social Security continue to affect the lives of U.S.
citizens. (TEKS US 13E) (TAKS 3)
88. Evaluate the effectiveness of New Deal measures in ending the Great Depression (such as TVA, AAA,
PWA and REA). (TEKS US 13D)
89. Evaluate the impact of New Deal legislation on the historical roles of state and federal governments
(FDIC, Social Security, and SEC). (TEKS US 15A)
90. Evaluate the impact of events, including Franklin Roosevelt’s attempt to increase the number of U.S.
Supreme Court justices, on the relationship among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of
government (Judicial Reorganization Bill, “Court packing plan”). (TEKS US 16B)
91. Evaluate the contributions of significant political, (economic), and social leaders in the U.S. such as
Franklin D. Roosevelt, (Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and Dr. Francis Townsend). (TEKS US 19B)
92. Analyze reasons for the adoption of 20th–century constitutional amendments (20th and 21st amendment).
93. Analyze the relationship between culture and the economy and identify examples such as the impact of
the entertainment industry on the U.S. economy (movies and radio). (TEKS US 20D)