Course Description: Integrated Physics and Chemistry is an introduction to physics and
chemistry. It is designed to enable students to learn the basic concepts, which will help
them with their preparation for the physical science portion of the TAKS test. All TEKS
will be taught with a greater emphasis placed on those TEKS that will be tested. Problem
solving and higher level, critical thinking skills will be emphasized and expected.
Students are expected to be active participants and will be provided with hands-on
opportunities for learning. There are no “free days” and learning will take place from bell
to bell.
Materials: Composition notebook, pencil.
Grading Policy, Class Assignments and Homework: See Student Grading Handbook
for guidelines. The IPC Department is currently developing a specific grading policy for
use in our department. Please check our website for an update. Remember, it is your
responsibility to ask for your make-up work and to turn it in on time.
Class Rules: Class rules and consequences will be developed cooperatively between the
students and the instructor in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and the
Student Handbook. Strong emphasis will be placed on integrity, honesty, character,
responsibility, and respect.
Cell phones and all other electronic devices are prohibited and will be
Students will be required to wear identification badges at all times.