SYLLABUS METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE SECTION I: THE CLASS AND THE INSTRUCTOR COURSE SECTION AND TITLE: ACADEMIC YEAR/QUARTER: INSTRUCTOR’S NAME: MEETING DAY/TIME: LOCATION OF CLASS: METHODS OF CONTACTING INTRUCTOR: BSAD 1010 1A Principles of Marketing Spring 2009 Dr. Brock Williams Tuesday and Thursday 10 – 11:55 Elkhorn Valley Campus, Room 308 METRO OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER: Email: Fax number: 289-1423 Voice Mail: 289-1353 289-1353 OFFICE HOURS: Monday 9:00 - 10:00 4:00 - 5:00 Tuesday 9:00 - 10:00 2:00 - 400 Wednesday OFFICE LOCATION: 9:00 - 10:00 EVC Room 156 SECTION II: THE COURSE COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course features a survey of the distributive fields, their functions and interrelationships. The course covers pricing policies, promotional activities, marketing in special fields, and market analysis. COURSE PREREQUISITES: BSAD 1000 Dean’s Office Telephone: During the next 11 weeks we will form a relationship—one that I hope will be rewarding for both you and me. Sometimes, however, you may have a concern with a grade or policy. Please feel free to contact me and we’ll try to work it out. If we can’t come to a mutual understanding it is your right to contact the dean. The dean of the business department is Daryl Hansen. His phone number is 738-4014. Please feel free to contact him if you have concerns that we cannot resolve. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: Metropolitan Community College 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain the concept and strategies of the marketing mix. Apply the marketing concepts in both consumer and business-to-business environments. Analyze marketing issues and demonstrate an appreciation of current standard and controversial marketing topics. Explain the need for marketing in a complex world economy. Demonstrate familiarity with vocabulary, books, periodicals, newspaper, and other resources of information about marketing. REQUIRED/SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: Text: Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, 5th ed. Solomon SECTION III: STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES METHODS OF LEARNING: Reading and studying the chapter material is critical to the success of every student. Typically a class will consist of lecture and discussion of the previous weeks reading assignment, group interaction and discussion and video presentations. ATTENDANCE STATEMENT: Class attendance and on-time arrival is expected of all students. Although the text reading is very important, it is the interaction with your classmates and the exposure to materials outside of the textbook that will truly prepare you for the business world. The business world frowns on tardiness and absenteeism; so do I. Students who miss 5 classes may be withdrawn from the class (5 classes is 22% of the class!). If classes are missed after the Last Day for Instructor Withdrawal I cannot initiate an IW. I will, however, apply a 10 percent penalty to your final score. Attendance does impact your grade—make it a positive impact. I add a bonus .25 points to your final score for every class attended (total of 5.5). I will also subtract 1 point from your total for every class that you miss. STUDENT WITHDRAWAL: If you cannot attend and complete this course, you should officially withdraw by calling Central Registration, 457-5231. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an instructor withdraw (IW) or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is May 6, 2009. You can not withdraw by simply not coming to class—you must contact Central Registration. ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT: Students are reminded that materials you may use as sources for this course may be subject to copyright protection. Additional information about copyright is provided on the library web page at, by your instructor, or by the college’s copyright officer. In response to incidents of student dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.) the College imposes specific actions that may include receiving a failing grade on a test, failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal from the College. The disciplinary procedures are available in the Counseling/Advising Center. Metropolitan Community College 2 I will discuss your grade only with you and only in person. Your other grades and course work are your business alone. Do not ever tell me your grade point average. USE OF STUDENT WORK The ownership of student works submitted in fulfillment of classroom requirements shall remain with the student(s): By enrolling in classes offered by Metropolitan Community College, the student gives the College license to mark on, modify, and retain the work as may be required by the process of instruction, as described in the course syllabus. The institution shall not have the right to use the work in any other manner without the written consent of the student(s). ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING PROGRAM Metropolitan Community College is committed to continuous improvement of teaching and learning. You may be asked to help us to accomplish this objective. For example, you may be asked to respond to surveys or questionnaires. In other cases, tests or assignments you are required to do for this course may be shared with faculty and used for assessment purposes. This will be done in accordance with FERPA guidelines. TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES: By using the information technology systems at MCC (including the computer systems and phones) you acknowledge and consent to the conditions of use as set forth in the Metropolitan Community College Procedures Memorandum on Acceptable Use of Information Technology and Resources. It is your responsibility as a student to be familiar with these procedures. The full text of the Procedures Memorandum may be found at the following website: SECTION IV: INSTRUCTOR RESPONSIBILITIES METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: Instruction will consist of lecture, outside-of-class research, video presentation, group interaction and discussion. METHODS OF ASSESSING STUDENT PROGRESS: Students’ assessment will be base on 4 exams, homework assignments, group project with presentation and written portion. The exams will be closed book, however, you may use a single page of your notes, hand written only. The exams may be true false, multiple choice, short answer essay, or a combination of all of them. When given, quizzes will be for extra points. Quizzes will be at the beginning of class covering the chapters required for that day’s class. I expect you to come to class having read the chapter we are covering that day. HOMEWORK There will be a homework assignment most weeks. I will assign it during the discussion of the chapters for that week. I expect that your homework will be complete and well thought out. You must use proper grammar and punctuation; ensuring that your work is up to collegiate standards. All home work must be typed, double spaced, and handed in during class. Metropolitan Community College 3 GROUP PROJECT 1. Project will be done in groups. We’ll form groups in a few days. 2. Select a sample marketing plan from 3. Your task is to evaluate the marketing plan for the company you chose. Tell me how good a job they did putting together their plan. Think about me as an investor and your job is to tell me how well this company will conduct their marketing. Use the knowledge you gained in our class to evaluate the components of their plan. 4. You must include an executive summary of your analysis—not the executive summary of the plan you used. If you don’t know what an executive summary is “Google” it and you’ll find lots of examples 5. Provide an introduction and background on the company. This should be at least one complete page 6. Discuss the following: - The “strategy” of their marketing plan, including the strategic mission of the firm and the mission statement 1. There must be a SWOT analysis and discussion of how they did in the completion of it. 2. there must be a organizational chart of the marketing department - What are the target markets and how do they plan to exploit them? What segmentation did they use? Discuss those. Be specific here. “Their target is everyone 18 to 49” is not specific and it certainly is not a segmentation strategy (you’ll learn what a segmentation strategy is during class) - Describe the external environment - How is the product positioned? - What are the marketing objectives of the firm? - What marketing mix does the firm use? - Discuss the financial information and budgets - What contingency plans and control plans does the firm have in place - Discuss the marketing positioning statement (if applicable) - Discuss the lessons your group learned during this assignment 7. Written Report: Report must be typed, double-spaced and no longer than 20 pages (excl. cover, executive summary, appendices and bibliography). Include a 1 page Executive Summary at the beginning. 8. Oral Presentation: Make a 12 – 15 min presentation of the report to the class and respond to any questions. All members of the group must participate in the presentation. Visual aids are required (I prefer PowerPoint). Metropolitan Community College 4 Forty percent (40%) of your score for the group project will come from an evaluation of your performance by your group. I will give you an evaluation sheet later in the quarter. EXTRA CREDIT I do not generally offer extra credit, however, if you think you need it, see me during my published office hours, or by appointment and we can discuss it. I may also give quizzes at the beginning of class to determine if students are reading the material. Such quizzes are extra credit. CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING FINAL COURSE GRADE: A = 720 – 800 B = 640 – 719 C = 560 – 639 D = 480 – 559 F = 0 – 479 1. 4 Exams(100 pts each) 50 percent 2. Group Business Project Presentation (200 pts) Written portion 100 pts Presentation 100 pts 25 Percent 3. 10 Homework (Case Studies and assignments) (20 pts each) 25 percent MAKE-UP TEST PROCEDURES: Generally, I do not accept late work. At work you cannot simply fail to show up or not turn in assigned work, and you cannot here either. Work is due when due. However, I realize that sometimes life gets in the way. If life gets in your way, let me know. I will pass out two “Get Out of Jail Free” cards to each student on the first day of class. Any student missing the first day of class will only receive one. You must attach a GOOJF card to any work submitted late, or if it is an exam, to a note telling me when your appointment is to take the exam. You get only two such cards and therefore only two such opportunities during the term. The final exam may not be taken late. LATE ASSIGNMENTS: The paragraph above on late test procedures applies for assignments as well. Presentations, however are different. If you do not show up for the presentations, you are letting your team down. The presentations will not be made up late. MAINTENANCE OF STUDENT RECORDS: I will hold all work submitted to me for one year after the end of the term Metropolitan Community College 5 Tentative Schedule Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Date 3/5 3/10 3/12 3/17 3/19 3/24 3/26 3/31 4/7 4/9 4/14 4/16 4/21 4/23 4/28 4/30 5/5 5/7 5/12 5/14 5/19 5/21 Metropolitan Community College Chapter Welcome & Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Exam – 1 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Exam – 2 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Exam – 3 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 & 16 Presentation Day Presentation Day Final Exam Activity and Assignments Real People. Real Surfers pg. 34 Marketing Miniproject pa. 62 Real People, Real Surfers pg 102 Real People, Real Surfers pg 135 Marketing Plan Exercise pg 169 Marketing Plan Exercise pg 232 Real Choices at Sony pg 302 Marketing Practice #2 a, b, c and #4 pg 368 Marketing Practice # 1 & # 2 Marketing Practice # 2 pg 439 Group projects and presentations due Group projects and presentations due 6 Student Services Important Dates 2009 SPRING March 05, 2009 – May 21, 2009 Tuition Payment Deadline ....................................................................................................... February 9 (M) Spring Quarter Begins ............................................................................................................... March 05 (TH) First Day for Faculty to Initiate Instructor Withdrawal .........................................................First class session Spring Recess (College Closed) .................................................................................. April 11 – 12 (Sa – Su) Spring and Summer Term Graduation Application Deadline ...................................................... April 01 (W) In-service Day (no classes) ......................................................................................................... April 02 (TH) Fall Priority Registration begins ................................................................................................... May 02 (Sa) Annual Graduation Ceremony ........................................................................................................ May 9 (Sa) Fall General Registration begins ................................................................................................... May 16 (Sa) Winter Term “I” Grades Due ....................................................................................................... May 16 (Sa) Last Day of Spring Classes .......................................................................................................... May 21 (TH) Grades Due and Posted to WebAdvisor ............................................................................. May 23 (Sa) 5 p.m. Memorial Day Recess (College Closed) ........................................................................ May 23 – 25 (Sa – M) The Last Day to Drop for grades is also the last day for the Instructor to initiate an Instructor Withdrawal (IW) and for students to change from Credit to Audit or Audit to Credit with instructor approval. Students must drop by this date to avoid being assigned a grade of “F”. NOTE: “Last day to drop” refers to grades only. To view the Last Day to Drop specific to your course section, go to the online class schedule at and click on the Important Dates next to the course. The Refund drop dates for each course section are automatically calculated based on the start and end dates and the number of sessions for the course. NOTE: Refer to refund policy below to determine the last day to receive a refund for your course. REFUND POLICY Eligibility for a refund is automatically calculated by the date of the withdrawal. The amount of refund is based on the number of class meetings held prior to the withdrawal compared to the total number of scheduled sessions for the course. For refund or account questions call: (402) 457-2405 or 1-800-228-9553, extension 2405. Metropolitan Community College 7 Pear Spears I want an honest evaluation from your perspective. List the names of your team members and tell me what percentage of the work you thought each member contributed. Metropolitan Community College 8