EMOTIONS By : Diana Septi Purnama Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta OUR EMOTIONS This paper talked about the communication particularly our emotions and the simplify influenced of it in our life and the form of our emotion. Which of the preceding feelings do you experience most frequently? We can use the information guide that you have just gathered in at least 3 ways: 1. Try to Clarify how do you feel about emotions 2. Try to understand other people emotions 3. Try to help other people understand your emotions OUR EMOTIONS… • Thus it is the unusual person who always feels an emotion intensely, who is always in an extreme state of joy, depression or anger. I addition to emotion state (i.e. the sadness state) individuals may also exhibit emotion state for instance, if you were described as exhibition frequently to experience is accompanied by psychological changes in your body and physical change in your appearance. • You’re “time-tuned” to the psychological ang visual signals the body and face send as person shows about her or him experience emotion A Samoa’s girl who is falling in love to someone. Smiling, lift her eyebrow 1/6 second, eye lid is getting down (The research of Eibl Eibesfeldt-1970) Face language in every country around of the world(Penelitian oleh psikolog sosial Ekman 1975) • Frightened • sucks • Happy • Angry Komunikasi terbentuk dari adanya stimulus dan respon Stimulus Response PERSEPSI Menurut Gestalt ada 4 pola: 1. Hukum kesamaan 2. Hukum Kedekatan 3. Hukum Kesinambungan 4. Hukum Menutup Kesalahan dalam persepsi • Osilasi • Ilusi • Halusinasi • Kamuflase Komunikasi non verbal melalui gambar Thank You for your attention Have A Nice Day