
First-Year Study Group
Meeting Minutes
May 2, 2014
In attendance: Stacey Bradley, Sara Corwin, Dan Friedman, Maegan Gudridge, Stuart Hunter, Nikki Knutson, Gene
Luna, Kim McMahon, Aaron Marterer, Bethany Naser, Scott Verzyl, Mary Wagner
Updates on committee work
a. After consulting with University Communications about a process, a communications analysis has begun.
1. We are seeking materials that first-year students receive beginning with the time they are
accepted to the university, and a message will be sent to Division directors requesting
communications materials.
2. The committee reviewed the message calling for materials and provided suggestions to clarify
the request.
Next steps in the subcommittee process
a. The group discussed subcommittees’ structure and purpose.
1. The committee discussed how the subcommittee’s charge coordinates with the
recommendations that the larger group has already generated. Consideration should be given to
how the subcommittees’ mission will be differentiated from the larger group’s existing work.
2. The committee recommended that there should be an inventory of current programs offered for
first-year students.
3. Subcommittees should examine how we, as an institution, can make the learning outcomes
happen? What needs to happen during each of the programs and designated time frames? Also
consider the messaging that needs to occur in coordination with the programs.
b. The group reviewed the subcommittee charge and template.
1. The committee supported the first three steps of the template (identify topic areas related to
outcome, markers of success, and offices/services that impact the outcome), but believed that
the final step in identifying how the outcome should be incorporated throughout the first year
may not be well-suited for subcommittee work.
2. The committee expressed the need for careful consideration about the purpose of the
subcommittees, and acknowledged that the group should set realistic expectations to maintain
positive morale. Subcommittee goals should be clear and attainable.
c. The committee provided recommendations for implementing subcommittee work.
1. Department directors may lead a discussion within their units to gather the information instead
of or prior to splitting into formal subcommittees.
2. The group may ask each department to participate in a self-inventory of the programs they
currently offer to first-year students.
3. One potential format that may be used to gather information includes creating a template
similar to the Blueprint documents.
Preparing for next meeting
a. Please complete the Doodle poll with your availability for summer meetings.
b. Thank you for a wonderful and productive year!