Lake County Food Access Coalition Project Decision-Making Flow Chart Does proposal/project fit within the scope of LCFAC Living Mission? Yes. No. Does the request clearly fall under a current mission strategy or relate to an existing sub-committee? Is there another agency better suited to work on this issue or problem? Yes. No. Yes. Help make a connection if possible. Is there an existing subcommittee who could consider the request? No. Consider whether and/or not LCFAC needs to add as a priority or seek funding to be able to work on this. Would it make sense to explore further? or Do we have capacity to take this on? Yes. Invite the person to a subcommittee meeting. No. No. Revist in 6 months. or Is there another agency better suited to work on this issue or problem? Explore the creation of a new subcommittee Yes. No. Connect requester to the better-suited agency. Consider whether we need to seek funding to be able to work on this issue. Yes. No. If after 6 month period there is a possible place for proposal or project begin at top of this chart Request dies until there is widespread interest in it or it better suits our capacity. .