September 13, 2007 

Diversity Task Force (DTF)
September 13, 2007
Present: K.Cartwright, P.Chally, D.Fenner, M.Jaffee, C.Johnson, L.Monell, J.Rodriguez,
S.Shiao, H.Thomas
Absent: S. Brown, K. Jordan
David reported that the Provost approved the idea of inviting a speaker to campus and
would like to see some names forwarded for review. Speakers should:
Advise the task force
Provide a more university-wide forum to raise the issue of diversity in faculty hires
There was agreement that a meeting time of Thursday from 10-11 works for everyone but
the frequency will depend on the work of the subcommittees. It was thought that a
monthly meeting for the large group would be frequent enough. In addition, we could
use Blackboard to communicate with each other and to upload resources.
Marianne agreed to work on the creation of a DTF website so we can update the campus
of our progress. David offered to show any non-BB users how to access it.
There was agreement that the focus of this task force would be on faculty and not on
Discussion also centered on academic programming. Carolyn updated the group on the
African American Studies minor offered beginning 2008; work with the Film Series; and
a candlelight vigil commemorating the 40th anniversary of the death of Martin Luther
King Jr. in April.
Henry stated that an AA minor is just the beginning and that there needs to be a center
dedicated to African American/African Diaspora studies. Carolyn noted that starting a
center requires an intense effort. Members agreed that the task force should serve as an
advocacy group but not implementation team. A question was raised as to whether it
would be best to support already existing centers. What are our strengths and focus?
David will invite Krista Paulsen, Rosa DeJorio and Imeh Ebong to attend a meeting for
the purposes of discussion centers.
Additionally, the group decided that since there were so many part-time faculty, it would
not “concentrate” on just full-time faculty but “emphasize” full-time.
The group reviewed the draft of the DTF strategic plan and arrived on three foci: the
development of a center; drafting a hiring guide; and research of best practices at efforts
to increase diversity in faculty hiring.
The group then discussed the focus and makeup of subcommittees. David suggested that
subcommittee tasks be divided into:
Development of a center with an academic program
Henry Thomas, Keith Cartwright, Kareem Jordan (tentatively), and
Chris Johnson
Development of a hiring guide and inventory of campus resources (guide
would likely be a paring down of existing hiring documentation). This
subcommittee would later look at attending departmental meetings to
share information.
Lina Monell, Simon Shiao, Judy Rodriguez
Research best practices, looking at other institutional models to advance
diversity in faculty hiring and retention.
Pam Chally, Carolyn Williams, Henry Thomas
The subcommittees will determine their own schedule but the group will meet back in
one month. Subcommittees will elect their own chairs. Marianne will send some
information she has already gathered for two of the subcommittees (guide and best
There was some interest in inviting Deb Kaye to talk about our efforts with diversifying
our student population and inviting the reps from AASU and Hispanic Council.
The work for each subcommittee should be to:
Gather information
Set specific outcomes
Make recommendations
David Fenner will set up the next meeting.
Minutes submitted by Marianne Jaffee