Online Learning Journal - Cowcliffe Pre

Cowcliffe Pre-school
Policies & Procedures
Online Learning Journey - Tapestry
EYFS Requirements
 This policy satisfies the Safeguarding & Welfare Requirements  This policy satisfies the Learning & Development Requirements Every Child Matters
This policy supports the following aspects of Every Child Matters :Enjoy & Achieve, Make a Positive Contribution
Statement of Intent
We believe that assessment plays an important part in helping parents, carers and
practitioners to recognise children’s progress, understand their needs, and to plan
activities and support. Practitioners will respond to their own day-to-day observations
about children’s progress and observations that parents and carers share.
Cowcliffe Pre-school aims to ensure that all children attending the setting have a
personal Learning Journey which records photos, observations and comments, in
line with the Early Years Foundation Stage, to build up a record of each child’s
achievements during their time with us.
Cowcliffe Pre-school uses an online Learning Journey system (Tapestry), allowing staff
and parents to access the information from any computer via a personal, passwordprotected login.
Parents that do not have access to a computer/phone or internet may access their
child’s learning journey at the pre-school at an agreed time.
Staff access allows input of new observations and photos or amendment of existing
observations and photos.
Parent access allows input of new observations and photos or the addition of
comments on existing observations and photos – parent log-ins do not have the
necessary permission to edit existing material.
Observations input into the Tapestry system are validated by a senior member of staff
before being added to the child’s Learning Journey.
Parents logging into the system are only able to see their own child’s Learning
Parents are asked to sign a consent form giving permission for their child’s image to
appear in other children’s Learning Journeys, and to protect images of other children
that may appear in any photos contained in their child’s Learning Journey.
Cowcliffe Pre-school
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Cowcliffe Pre-school
Policies & Procedures
The Learning Journey is started once the child has started Pre-school. During the first
term, entries will be made more frequently as staff get to know the children.
New observational entries to a child’s Learning Journey will usually be uploaded within
two weeks of the observation being made.
Observations are written in the present tense.
Cowcliffe Pre-school pay a yearly amount to all staff so they can update their data out
of their normal working hours. Staff are also encouraged to use quiet times and end of
the day times to update the data.
Photographs that are taken in the tapestry app are not saved to the device. Any photo
that is taken and stored on the devise are uploaded as soon as possible to tapestry
and then deleted off the device.
Staff taking home a device to update tapestry will ensure the devise is not accessed by
anyone not authorised to do so. The devises used are password protected and a
second password is required to access the tapestry account.
Tapestry is not used as a general communication tool between Nursery and home. A
child’s learning journey is a document recording their learning and development and
parents may add comments on observations or contribute photos, videos or
information about activities they have been doing at home.
Parents may contact the Nursery through the usual channels for any other day-to-day
matters, e.g. absence, lost property, etc.
The Tapestry on-line Learning journey system is hosted on secure dedicated servers
based in the UK.
Access to information stored on Tapestry can only be gained by unique user id and
Parents can only see their own child’s information and are unable to login to view other
children’s Learning Journeys.
This policy was adopted at a meeting of Cowcliffe Pre-school
Held on : 19th January 2016
Signed on behalf of the group :
Position Held :
Review Date :September 2016
Cowcliffe Pre-school
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