Unit I - uhs apush

Unit I
John Smith
Plantation economy
House of Burgesses
Indentured servant
William Berkeley
London Company-Virginia Company
William Byrd
Patrick Henry
"seasoning time"
Nathaniel Bacon
Serpant of wealth
William Bradford
Great Migration
General Court
Visible Saints
covenant of grace
covenant of works
John Winthrop
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson
Half-Way Covenant
Dominion of New England
Old vs. New Lights
Glorious Revolution
Toleration Act of 1649
Penn's "Holy Experiment'
James Oglethorp
"triangular trade"
Middle passage
Jacob Leisler
John Peter Zenger
Navigation Acts
Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards
George Whitefield
"actual representation"
"virtual representation"
Robert Walpole and "salutary neglect"
French and Indian war
Treaty of Paris 1763
Albany Plan of Union
Sugar Act
Sons of Liberty
Stamp Act
Stamp Act Congress
Declaratory Act
Townshend Acts
Boston Massacre
Tea Act 1773
Coercive Acts
Quebec Act
First Continental Congress
Galloway Plan of Union**
Writs of Assistance
William Pitt
Lord North
Thomas Hutchinson
Sam Adams
John Adams
Committees of Correspondence
Olive Branch Petition
Unit II
Common Sense
Thomas Paine
Second Continental Congress
Lexington and Concord
Declaration of Independence
Franco-American Alliance
Articles of Confederation
Peace of Paris--1783
Society of the Cincinnatus**
Shays' Rebellion
Ordinance of 1785
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Annapolis Convention
Great Compromise
3/5 Compromise
Elastic Clause
Judiciary Act of 1789
Electoral College
Bill of Rights
Slave trade compromise
"checks and balances"
Federalist Papers
Virginia Plan--New Jersey Plan
Election of 1788
Funding and Assumption
Edmund Genet
British Orders in Council
Jay's Treaty
Pinckney's Treaty
Whiskey Rebellion
Election of 1796
Washington¹s Farewell Address
Democratic Republicans
Bank of the U.S.
XYZ Affair
Alien and Sedition Acts
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Election of 1800
"Midnight Judges"
Louisiana Purchase
Lewis and Clark
Barbary Pirates
Burr Conspiracy
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
Continental System
Embargo Act
Toussaint L'Ouverture and Haiti Rebellion of 1804
Unit III
Macon's Bill # 2
Non-Intercourse Act
DeWitt Clinton and Erie Canal
William H. Harrison
War Hawks
Treaty of Ghent--1814
Battle of New Orleans
Hartford Convention
Rush-Bagot Agreement
John Q. Adams
Transcontinental Treaty (Adams-Onis Treaty)
Monroe Doctrine
Era of Good Feelings
Missouri Compromise
Tallmadge--Thomas Amendments
"corrupt bargain²
National Republicans
John C. Calhoun
American System
Henry Clay
Samuel Slater
Eli Whitney
Boston Associates
American Colonization Society
Household system
Old National Road
John Marshall
Fletcher v. Peck**
Dartmouth College
McCulloch v. Maryland
Gibbons v. Ogden
Marbury v. Madison
Judiciary Act of 1801
Martin Van Buren
Tariff of Abominations
"Exposition and Protest"
The South Carolina Exposition
Trail of Tears
Webster-Haynes Debate**
Maysville Road veto
Worcester v. Georgia**
Nicholas Biddle
Specie Circular
"pet banks" **
Roger B. Taney
Whig Party
Log Cabin Campaign
Unit IV
Alexis de Tocqueville
Dorothea Dix
Waltham System**
Temperance movement
Second Great Awakening
William Lloyd Garrison--Liberator
Charles G. Finney
Voluntary association
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Seneca Falls Convention 1848
Susan B. Anthony
American Anti-slavery Society
Auburn System
Philadelphia System
Samuel Howe
Thomas Gallaudet
Grimke Sisters
Frederick Douglass
Liberty Party
Manifest Destiny
"Mr. Polk's War"
Webster-Ashburton Treaty**
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Oregon Trail
Free Soil Party
Election of 1844
"54-40 or Fight"
"Young America" **
John Slidell
Election of 1848
Zachery Taylor
Nicholas Trist
Compromise of 1850
Popular Sovereignty
Wilmot Proviso
King Cotton
Nat Turner
Denmark Vesey
Unit V
Fugitive Slave Law of 1850
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Ostend Manifesto
Gadsden Purchase**
"Bleeding Kansas"
Stephen A. Douglas
Kansas Nebraska Act
Charles Sumner
Sumner-Brooks Affair
Know-Nothing Party
James Buchannan
John C. Freemont
Freeport Doctrine
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Constitutional Union Party
Election of 1860
Lecompton Constitution
Crittenden Compromise
Homestead Act 1862
Morrill Land Grant Act 1862
Free Soil, Free Labor
New England Emigrant Aid Society
Border Ruffians
John Brown
Emancipation Proclamation
Jefferson Davis
Geroge B. McClellan
Election of 1864
Robert E. Lee
Freedmen's Bureau
Wade-Davis Bill
Black Codes
Tenure of Office Act
Whiskey Ring
Tweed Ring
Ku Klux Klan Act
Reconstruction Acts of 1867
Thaddeus Stevens
Force Acts of 1870
³Swing Around the Circuit²
Disputed Election of 1876
Horace Greeley and the Liberal Republicans
Unit VI
Robber Barons**
Guilded Age**
Chinese Exclusion Act **
Frederick Jackson Turner
Battle of the Little Bighorn--Wounded Knee
Dawes Severalty Act
Timber and Stone Act
Bonanza farming
Pacific Railway Act 1862
Joseph F. Glidden
Central Pacific--Union Pacific
Booker T. Washington
Plessy v. Ferguson
Atlanta Compromise
WEB DuBois
Henry Bessemer
Andrew Carnegie
"horizontal integration"**
"vertical integration"**
Social Darwinism
Gospel of Wealth
William G. Sumner
A.F.L. and Samuel Gompers
Mesabi range
Single tax -Henry George
Munn v. Illinois
Interstate Commerce Commission
United States v. E.C. Knight Co**
Sherman Antitrust Act
John D. Rockefeller
Knights of Labor
Jane Addams
³Bloody Shirt²
Greenback Party
Haymarket Square incident 1886
the "new immigration"
Jacob Riis
Louis Sullivan
Knights of Labor
American Protective Association
John A. Roebling--Brooklyn Bridge
Dwight L. Moody
Social Gospel
Hull House, Lillian Wald, James Bryce’s American Commonwealth