APUSH w2k list

Words 2 Know (w2k) List
Suggestions for this list:
Place the term & its date (precise date or time period in which the term applies) on one side of
an index card
Put a definition on the other side of the card
o Details and effort are your friend on this section of the assignment
Cultural differences b/w Native Americans &
Pueblo Revolt
King Philip’s War
Spanish Armada // battle’s significance to US
4 original colonies
House of Burgesses
Mayflower Compact
General Court
Separatists & Puritans
Who colonized and why?
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson
Salem Village
Halfway Covenent
Headright system
indentured servants
How slavery became a part of the South
Middle Passage
Slave codes
Stono Rebellion
Bacon’s Rebellion
Holy Experiment
MD’s Toleration Act
South Carolina’s unique trait
royal colony
Proprietary colony
Restoration colonies
Triangular trade
Dominion of New England
Road to Revolution
Navigation Acts
salutary neglect
The Great Awakening
the Enlightenment
Albany Plan of Union
French Indian War
Treaty of Paris, 1763
Proclamation of 1763
Stamp Act
Declaratory Act
Townshend Duties
Massachusetts Circular Letter
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Coercive-Intolerable Acts
First Continental Congress
Lexington & Concord
Sons & Daughters of Liberty
Non-importation agreements
Virtual vs. Actual representation
Revolutionary War & the US in the 1780s
Common Sense
Parts of the Declaration of Independence
British war strategy
American war strategy
Women in the RW
Native Americans
Saratoga & its significance
Peace of Paris, 1783
republican gov’t
republican mothers/role of women (post-war.)
Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom
African Americans after the RW
US economy after the RW
Articles of Confederation
Land Ordinance of 1785
Northwest Land Ordinance
Shays’ Rebellion
Constitution & Washington’s administration
Mt. Vernon meeting
Annapolis Convention
Constitutional Convention
VA & NJ Plans
Great Compromise
3/5ths Compromise
Checks & Balances
federal system
The Federalist Papers (& authors)
“great rights of mankind”
Washington & the Whiskey Rebellion
Hamilton’s financial plans
the US & Indians in the 1790s
Strict vs. loose constructionism
Proclamation of Neutrality
Why is Washington, D.C. located where it is?
Jay’s & Pinckney’s Treaty
Executive privilege
Washington’s warnings in the Farewell Address
Adams, Jefferson, & the War of 1812
Election of 1796
XYZ Affair
Alien & Sedition Acts
KY & VA Resolutions // nullification
Revolution of 1800
Virginia Dynasty
“midnight justices”
Jeffersonian Democracy
2nd Great Awakening
Marbury v. Madison // judicial review
John Marshall
Louisiana Purchase
Orders in Council
Jefferson’s & Madison’s pre-war acts
War Hawks
War of 1812
Battle of Baltimore
Treaty of Ghent
Hartford Convention
Battle of New Orleans
Era of Good Feelings, Jacksonian Era, & Antebellum America
(Era of Good Feelings)
Why is this era titled in this way?
Rush Bagot Treaty
Convention of 1818
Adams-Onis Treaty
Monroe Doctrine
American System
economic panics
Missouri Compromise
36 30 line
Mason Dixon Line
“corrupt bargain” // political party created
(Jacksonian Era)
Jacksonian Democracy
“common man”
Spoils system
Kitchen Cabinet
Indian Removal Act
Trail of Tears
Nullification Crisis
death of the 2nd Bank of the US
Panic of 1837
Independent Treasury
Webster Ashburton Treaty
(antebellum society)
Cotton gin
market revolution
“cult of domesticity”
Transportation networks
1 card: reformers (Mann, Dix, Garrison)
1 card: reform movements (temperance, utopian societies, abolition, women’s rights)
Manifest Destiny & the 1850s
(Manifest Destiny)
What is “manifest destiny”?
acquisition of Oregon
Battle of the Alamo
Lone Star State
Election of 1844
Mexican War
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Gadsden Purchase
Sutter’s Mill, CA
(the 1850s)
Wilmot Proviso
popular sovereignty
Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Law
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
“Bleeding Kansas”
Kansas-Nebraska Act // political party created
“Caning in Congress”
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Freeport Doctrine
Harper’s Ferry
the election of 1860
Secession Crisis
Crittenden Compromise
Ft. Sumter
Civil War & Reconstruction
(Civil War)
Civil War: stuff vs. spirit
“tax in kind”
Cotton Diplomacy
total war
Anaconda Plan
South’s military strategy
significance of Antietam, Gettysburg, Vicksburg,
Sherman’s March to the Sea
Appomattox Court House
Confiscation Act
Emancipation Proclamation
13th Amendment
Lincoln’s 10% Plan
Radical (R)
Freedmen’s Bureau
14th Amendment
Military Reconstruction Act
15th Amendment
Johnson’s impeachment
KKK & the Enforcement Acts
black codes
crop lien system
“Redeemer” governments
Compromise of 1877
The Gilded Age
Why is this era called the “Gilded Age”?
Gentleman’s Agreement
Social Darwinism
ethnic neighborhoods
immigration’s impact on the cities
Disparity of wealth
settlement house
Gospel of Wealth
political machine
Social Gospel
Interstate Commerce Act
Dawes Severalty Act
Sherman Antitrust Act
Promontory Point
US V. E.C. Knight Company
Frederick Jackson Turner’s “frontier thesis”
Pendleton Civil Service Act
Robber Barons
Half Breeds & Stalwarts
Bessemer Process
“waving the bloody shirt”
Horizontal & vertical integration
farmers by 1900
Knights of Labor
Jim Crow Laws
American Federation of Labor
Plessy v. Ferguson
Haymarket Square Riot
Booker T. Washington & his philosophy
Collective bargaining
W.E.B. DuBois & his philosophy
Strikes in the Gilded Age
Populist Party
Immigration & 1900
silver & gold issue of the Gilded Age
Ellis Island & Angel Island
Panic of 1893
Chinese Exclusion Act
campaign approaches to the election of 1896
Spirit of Progressivism
grassroots movement
women & Progressivism
Eugene Debs
Square Deal
Roosevelt as president
Taft as president
Bull Moose Party
Wilson as president
New Freedom
16th, 17th,18th, & 19th amendments
Federal Reserve System
impact of the secret ballot
Role of governors
NAWSA’s approach to suffrage
the West & suffrage/ Wyoming (late 1800s)
NWP’s approach to suffrage
American foreign relations in the late 19th – early 20th centuries: Imperialism & World War I
Why can the US expand in the 1890s?
Annexation of Hawaii
Yellow journalism
Teller Amendment
Significance of DeLome letter & the
destruction of the USS Maine
Significance of the Spanish American War
Rough Riders
Treaty of Paris
Filipino Insurrection
Platt Amendment
Open Door Notes
Boxer Rebellion
Roosevelt’s foreign policy
Roosevelt Corollary
Taft’s foreign policy
How was the Panama Canal Zone acquired?
Wilson’s foreign policy
(World War I)
Wilson and Mexico
1914-1917: US & WWI
“peace without victory” speech
Zimmerman Telegram
Wilson’s reasons for declaring war
Selective Service Act
Liberty bonds
Herbert Hoover
Espionage & Sedition Acts
George Creel’s CPI // who was the “enemy”?
Great Migration
Wilson’s 14 Points
“irreconcilables” & collective security
Versailles Treaty & the US
Red Scare
The 1920s, the Great Depression, & the New Deal
1920s census
installment plan
Volstead Act
immigration laws in the 1920s
Sacco & Vanzetti Trial
Scopes Monkey Trial
Election of 1928
Harlem Renaissance
Rugged individualism
The presidents of the 1920s // effective leadership?
(Great Depression & Hoover’s administration)
Causes of the Great Depression
the Great Stock Market Crash
trickle down economics
the Bonus Army
Dust Bowl
(FDR & the New Deal)
The New Deal
20th Amendment
21st Amendment
Keynesian economics
fireside chats
Brain Trust
1st 100 Days
Father Coughlin
Huey Long
significance of the election of 1936
Court packing plan
Roosevelt Recession
Unions & the New Deal
Frances Perkins & Eleanor Roosevelt
World War II
Washington Naval Conference
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Good Neighbor Policy
Quarantine Speech
Neutrality Act of 1937
Neutrality Act of 1939
Destroyer Naval Base Deal
Lend Lease Act
Panay Incident
European Theater vs. Pacific Theater
Operation Torch
Operation Overlord
VE Day
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
VJ Day
Executive Order 8802
Zoot suit riots
Executive Order 9066
Korematsu v. US
FDR’s death
Creation of the UN
Grande Alliance / Big 3
“unconditional surrender”
Post WWII America
Truman Doctrine
CIA’s activities
Iron Curtain Speech
Marshall Plan
“Operation Vittles”
NATO & the Warsaw Pact
China & 1949
the election of 1948
“soft on communism”
Moderate (R)
Military Industrial Complex
the election of 1960
Israel, 1948
Korean War
Iran, 1953
Guatemala, 1954
Geneva Accords
Domino theory
Peaceful coexistence
Warsaw Pact
Eisenhower Doctrine
Operation Mongoose
U2 Incident
GI Bill of Rights
Baby Boom
Spy trials
Taft-Hartley Act
Troops integrated
Brown v. Board of Education
Southern Manifesto
Montgomery Bus Boycott
SCLC created
Federal Aid Highway Act
Central High School (Little Rock, Arkansas)
National Defense Education Act
Lunch counter sit-in
New Frontier
Flexible response
JFK’s assassination
Great Society
“War on poverty”
the election of 1968
Bay of Pigs
Berlin Wall
Cuban Missile Crisis
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Ngo Dihn Diem assassinated
Gulf of Tonkin
Americanization of Vietnam
Tet Offensive
My Lai Massacre
Paris Peace Talks
Freedom rides
Birmingham demonstrations
March on Washington
Sunday School Bombing
The Feminine Mystique (Betty Friedan)
Long hot summers
Head Start
Voting Rights Act
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Immigration Act (1965)
Elementary & Secondary Education Act
Malcolm X assassinated
Black Panthers
Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated
Affirmative action
“malaise” speech
the Great Communicator
the election of 1980
the election of 1984
the election of 2000
Title IX
Roe v. Wade
War Powers Act
Paris Peace Accords
Fall of Saigon
SALT talks
Camp David Accords
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Reagan Doctrine
Iran Contra Affair
USSR fell
Persian Gulf, part I
Bush Doctrine
Iraq & Afghanistan
Oil crises
Population shift
Kent State Massacre
the election of 2008