AP US History - Daniel Aaron Lazar

AP US History
Identification List
IDs are significant people, events or concepts. The list is not exhaustive, but more suggestive
of key concepts. PLEASE add terms that you feel are significant but not listed.
England’s Colonial Experiments: The 17th Century
Virginia House of Burgesses
Sir George Calvert
Lord Baltimore
Act Concerning Religion 1649
John Winthrop/ “City on a Hill”
Mayflower Compact
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson
Thomas Hooker
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1639
William Penn’s “Holy Experiment”
Putting Down Roots: Families in the Atlantic Empire
Halfway Covenant
The New England Primer
Anthony Johnson
Stono Rebellion
Navigation Acts (include Staple Act here)
Bacon's Rebellion
Cotton Mather
Increase Mather
Salem Witch Trials
Dominion of New England (Andros)
Leisler's Rebellion
Coode’s Rebellion
Frontiers of Empire: 18th Century America
Scotch-Irish Immigrants
"Pennsylvania Dutch"
“Middle Ground”
The American "Enlightenment"
Benjamin Franklin
White Pines/Sugar Act/Hat, Felt and Iron Acts
1st Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield
New and Old Lights
The Commonwealthmen
Albany Congress/Albany Plan
The Seven Years War
Peace of Paris, 1763
The American Revolution: From Gentry Protest to Popular Revolt
“No Taxation without Representation”
John Locke/Two Treatises of Government
Proclamation of 1763
George Grenville
Revenue Act of 1764
Stamp Act
Stamp Act Congress
Sons of Liberty
British Reaction/The Declaratory Act
Townshend Duties
Boston Massacre
Committees of Correspondence
Boston Tea Party
First Continental Congress
Second Continental Congress
Declaration of Independence
Thomas Paine: Common Sense/The Crisis
Lexington and Concord
Bunker Hill
Treaty of Paris, 1783
The Republican Experiment
Society of Cincinnati
Benjamin Banneker & Phillis Wheatley
Richard Allen
Abigail Adams
Land Ordinance of 1785
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Nationalist Critique
Newburgh Conspiracy
Jay-Gardoqui Treaty
Annapolis Convention
Shays’ Rebellion
Philadelphia Convention
Virginia Plan
New Jersey Plan
Connecticut Compromise
3/5 Clause
Electoral College
Federalists v. Anti-Federalists
The Federalist Papers
The Bill of Rights
Democracy in Distress: The Violence of Party Politics
Judiciary Act of 1789
Hamilton’s economic plan
Hamilton vs. Jefferson
Citizen Genet Affair
Jay’s Treaty
Battle of Fallen Timbers
Pinckney’s Treaty
Political clubs
Whiskey Rebellion
Washington’s Farewell Address
XYZ Affair
Alien & Sedition Acts
Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions
Election of 1800
Jeffersonian Ascendancy: Theory and Practice of Government
Tecumseh & the Prophet
Samuel Slater
Louisiana Purchase
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Marbury v. Madison/midnight judges
Fletcher v. Peck
The Burr Trial
Orders in Council & the Chesapeake Affair
Embargo Act (1807), Non-Intercourse Act (1809), Macon’s Bill No. 2 (1810)
War Hawks
Hartford Convention
Treaty of Ghent (1814)
Nation Building and Nationalism
Adams-Onis Treaty
James F. Cooper, Leatherstocking Tales
National Road
Erie Canal
Putting Out System
Lowell, Massachusetts
Henry Clay’s American System
Missouri Compromise
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
McCulloch v. Maryland
Gibbons v. Ogden
The Monroe Doctrine
The Triumph of White Men’s Democracy
American Lit: Brahmin Poets, Emerson, Hawthorne, Melville, Poe, Whitman
Election of 1824, The Corrupt Bargain
Election of 1828
Peggy O’Neale Eaton Affair
Maysville Road Veto
Spoils System
Worcester v. Georgia & The Trail of Tears
Nullification Crisis and Force Bill
Nicholas Biddle & the Bank Crisis
Whig Party
Panic of 1837
Alexis de Tocqueville
The Pursuit of Perfection
Second Great Awakening
Lyman Beecher
Temperance reformers
“Cult of True Womanhood”/“Cult of Domesticity”
Horace Mann
The McGuffy Reader
Dorothea Dix
American Colonization Society
William Lloyd Garrison/The Liberator
The Grimke Sisters
Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Seneca Falls Conference, 1848
New Harmony, Indiana/Robert Owen
Oneida, N.Y./”Utopia”
Brook Farm, Mass./Rev. G. Ripley
Thoreau, Walden
An Age of Expansionism
“Young Americans”
Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 1842
Stephen Austin
W.B. Travis/The Alamo
Sam Houston
Joseph Smith/Brigham Young
John L. O’Sullivan, “Manifest Destiny”
Slidell Mission
Gen. Zachary Taylor, Col. Stephen Kearney,
Gen. Winfield Scott, John C. Freemont
The Trist Mission/Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo
The Gadsden Purchase
Elias Howe
Charles Goodyear
John Deere
Cyrus McCormick
Masters and Slaves
Gabriel Prosser
Denmark Vesey
Nat Turner
Frederick Douglass, The North Star
Harriet Tubman/Underground Railroad
Invisible Institution
Hinton Helper
The Sectional Crisis
Preston Brooks, Charles Sumner
Wilmot Proviso
“Squatter sovereignty”/popular sovereignty
Compromise of 1850
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Ostend Manifesto
”Bleeding Kansas”
John Brown
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Lecompton Controversy
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Freeport Doctrine
Election of 1860
Secession and the Civil War
Crittenden compromise
Fort Sumter
Anaconda Plan
The Alabama
Bull Run
Trent Affair (Mason & Slidell)
Emancipation Proclamation
The Agony of Reconstruction
Lincoln’s 10% Plan
Wade Davis Bill
Radical Republicans
Freedmen’s Bureau
Jim Crow Laws/Black Codes
First (Military) Reconstruction Act
Tenure of Office Act
Ku Klux Klan
Force Bills, 1870, 1871
Credit Mobilier Scandal
Whiskey Ring
Compromise of 1877
D.W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation
The West: Exploiting an Empire
Chivington or Sand Creek Massacre
Fetterman Massacre
Ghost Dance/Wovoka
Wounded Knee
Assimilation Policy
Dawes Act
Homestead Act of 1862
Comstock Lode
Chinese Exclusion Act
Joseph E. Glidden
The Grange/Oliver H. Kelley
Boomers and Sooners
Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis
The Industrial Society
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Promontory Point
J.P. Morgan
Bessemer Process
Andrew Carnegie
Edwin Drake
John D. Rockefeller
business organization (horizontal and vertical integration, trusts, monopolies)
Cyrus Field
George Eastman
Gustavus Swift
Alexander G. Bell
Thomas Edison
Frank Sprague
Department Stores (Macys, Fields)
Catalogs (Sears, Wards)
Chain stores (A & P)
Uriah Stephens
Terrence Powderly
Knights of Labor
Samuel Gompers
American Federation of Labor
In re Debs
Great Railroad Strike
Haymarket Riot
Homestead Strike
Toward an Urban Society
John Root, Louis Sullivan, and Frank Lloyd Wright
Jacob Riis How the Other Half Lives
dumbbell tenement
Tweed Ring, Tammany Hall
Thomas Nast
William James
Susan B. Anthony
Plessy v. Ferguson
Morill Land Grant Act
Booker T. Washington
W.E.B. DuBois
Social Darwinism
Henry George Progress and Poverty
Thornstein Veblen The Theory of the Leisure Class
Edward Bellamy Looking Backward
Social Gospel movement
Jane Addams and Hull House
Political Realignments in the 1890s
Munn v. Illinois, the Wabash Cases, and the ICC
Charles Guiteau
Stalwarts and Half-Breeds
McKinley Tariff Act
Sherman Antitrust Act
U.S. v. E.C. Knight Co.
Bland-Allison Act, Silver Purchase Act
Farmers’ Alliance movement
Thomas Watson, Leonidas Polk, Mary E. Lease
Populist Party, James Weaver
Panic of 1893
Coxey’s Army
Pullman Strike
Wilson-Gorman Tariff
American Authors: Alger, Alcott, Garland, Howells, Crane, Norris, London, Dreiser (books and theses)
Election of 1896
William J. Bryan and Marcus Hanna
“Cross of Gold” Speech
Gold Standard Act
Toward Empire
“Rough Riders,” T. Roosevelt
Charles Darwin Origin of Species
Josiah Strong
Seward’s Folly/Alaska Purchase
Annexation of Hawaii
“New Navy,” A.T. Mahan and B.F. Tracy
Spanish-American War
de Lome Letter
U.S.S. Maine
Yellow Journalism/Hearst and Pulitzer
“Smoked Yankees”
Battle of Manila Bay, George Dewey
Annexation of the Philippines/Emilio Aguinaldo
Platt Amendment
Open Door Policy
The Progressive Era
McClure’s Magazine
Upton Sinclair The Jungle
Lincoln Steffens The Shame of the Cities
Model T Ford
The Columbian Exposition of 1893 (look it up elsewhere)
Frederick Winslow Taylor
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Women’s Trade Union League
Sheppard-Towner Maternity and Infancy Protection Act
Margaret Sanger
The Niagara Movement, NAACP
Ellis Island and Angel Island
Hart, Schaffner Strike
Wobblies (IWW) and Mother Jones
D.W. Griffith, Birth of a Nation
Vaudeville and the Ziegfeld Follies
The Armory Show
Ashcan School of Art (Henri, Bellows, Sloan)
Poetry in the early 20th century (Pound, Eliot, Frost, Sandburg)
From Roosevelt to Wilson in the Age of Progressivism
Social Justice movement
WCTU and the Anti-Saloon League
Carrie Chapman Catt, NAWSA
John Dewey
17th Amendment
Robert LaFollette, “Wisconsin Idea”
Northern Securities Co. (antitrust action)
Square Deal
Hepburn Act
Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act
Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
Mann-Elkins Act
Bull Moose Party
Underwood Tariff Act
Federal Reserve Act
Clayton Antitrust Act
Louis Brandeis
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Workmen’s Compensation Act
Keating-Owen Act
The Nation at War
Panama Canal Treaty/Hay-Bunua-Varilla Treaty
Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine
Treaty of Portsmouth/Katsura Agreement
Gentlemen’s Agreement
Dollar Diplomacy
Moral/Missionary Diplomacy
Pancho Villa/U.S. Mexico Relations
U.S. Neutrality in early WWI
U-Boats, unrestricted submarine warfare
Sussex pledge
Zimmermann Telegram
John J. Pershing
Trench warfare
Committee on Public Information, George Creel
Espionage and Sedition Acts
War Industries Board, Bernard Baruch
War Labor Board
Chicago Race Riots
“Big Four”
Wilson’s Fourteen Points
League of Nations
Treaty of Versailles and U.S. Senate debate
Transition to Modern America
19th Amendment
Pop Culture icons: Dempsey, Ruth, Lindbergh, Ederle
American authors: Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Lewis, Mencken, Anderson, dos Passos, Wharton, Cather, McKay, Hurston, Hughes
American artists: Hopper, Motley
American musicians: Copeland, Gershwin
Marcus Garvey
Harlem Renaissance
Palmer Raids/Red Scare
Sacco and Vanzetti
Volstead Act
National Origins Quota Act, 1924
Scopes Trial
Aimee Semple McPherson
Teapot Dome Scandal
“Return to Normalcy”
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
Andrew Mellon
Al Smith, 1928 Election
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal
“Prosperity is just around the corner”
Boulder (Hoover) Dam
Reconstruction Finance Cooperation
Bonus Army
First Hundred Days
Fireside chats
Coughlin, Townsend, Long/Smith
Fair Labor Standards Act
John L. Lewis
Marian Anderson
John Collier, Indian Reorganization Act
Francis Perkins
Eleanor Roosevelt
Alf Landon
New Deal Coalition (p. 782)
Supreme Court “packing” scheme
America and the World
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Clark Memorandum of 1930
Good Neighbor Policy
Washington Conference, Five Power Treaty
Anti-Comintern Pact
Nye Committee
Quarantine Speech
Cash and Carry
Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies (White Committee)
Lend and Lease
Reuben James
Pearl Harbor/Tojo
Allied and Axis political leaders
Allied and Axis military leaders
War Production Board
Office of Price Administration
“Rosie the Riveter”
A. Phillip Randolph
Internment of Japanese Americans
Thomas E. Dewey
Battle of the Bulge
Liberation of Nazi death camps
Manhattan Project
Founding of the United Nations (look it up elsewhere)
St. Louis (look it up elsewhere)
War Refugees Board (look it up elsewhere)
Koretmatsu v. U.S. (look it up elsewhere)
The Onset of the Cold War
Yalta Conference
Potsdam Conference
Bernard Baruch
Dean Acheson/George Kennan
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
Berlin Blockade and Airlift
National Security Act/CIA/NSC
Mao Tse-Tung/Chiang Kai-shek
Korean War/38th parallel
General McArthur
Council of Economic Advisers
1948 Election
House Un-American Activities Committee
Loyalty Review Board
Alger Hiss
John Foster Dulles
Ho Chi Minh
Dien Bien Phu
Geneva Summit/Geneva Accords/17th Parallel
Quemoy and Matsu
Suez Crisis
Beirut, Lebanon, 1958
Fidel Castro
U-2 Incident/Francis Gary Powers
Affluence and Anxiety
Dr. Spock
Critics in the 1950s: Keats, Reisman, Mills
Abstract Expressionism: Pollock, Rothko
Interstate Highways
Truman’s Fair Deal, Fair Employment Practices Committee
Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka
Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas
Rosa Parks
Martin Luther King, Jr.
SCLC, passive resistance
Chapter 30 – The Turbulent Sixties
Kennedy-Nixon debate
1960 Election
“New Frontier”
Berlin Crisis
Diem, 1956 Election
Bay of Pigs
Cuban Missile Crisis
Space program
March on Washington
Warren Court: rights of the accused (Gideon, Escobedo, Miranda) Baker v. Carr, Engel v. Vitale
Kennedy assassination, Warren Commission
Great Society/War on Poverty
Civil Rights Act, 1964
Office of Economic Opportunity
Selma, AL
Voting Rights Act, 1965
Gulf of Tonkin incident
LBJ and Escalation in Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh Trail
William Westmoreland
My Lai massacre
Anti-war protests, Students for a Democratic Society
Cultural Revolution, Woodstock
Black Power movement, Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, Huey Newton
Cesar Chavez
Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique
Tet Offensive
1968 Democratic National Convention
1968 Election
A Crisis in Confidence
Burger Court
Silent majority
Nixon in China
Kent State
Watergate scandal
Pentagon Papers
1973 Arab Oil embargo, OPEC
Sandra Day O’Connor
Equal Rights Amendment
Roe v. Wade
Stonewall riots
War Powers Act
Mayaguez incident
Camp David Accords
Iranian Revolution, 1979
Iran Hostage Crisis
The Republican Resurgence
1980 election
War on Drugs
Star Wars
The Christian Right
Bakke v. Regents of the University of California
Beirut, 1984
Cold War in Latin America (Nicaragua, Grenada)
Arms for Hostages scandal (Iran-Contra scandal)
Fall of Berlin Wall
Establishment of Russian Republic
Invasion of Panama
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, 1991, Operation Desert Storm